

No matter how vast samsara may be, with limitless beings and limitless universes, it has one single essence. The entirety of samsara is contained within the self-grasping of one single person. The antidote is the altruistic mind. The more you are able to cultivate an altruistic mind, the more it will pervade. If you recognise self-grasping and the self-grasping of all sentient beings is exactly the same. In the same way, if you cultivate an altruistic mind it pervades limitless beings. What pervades is the power of love.
- Garchen Rinpoche
~ 普賢法譯小組Serena翻譯,願一切賢善吉祥!
~ 文字來源:
No matter how vast samsara may be, with limitless beings and limitless universes, it has one single essence. The entirety of samsara is contained within the self-grasping of one single person. The antidote is the altruistic mind. The more you are able to cultivate an altruistic mind, the more it will pervade. If you recognise self-grasping and the self-grasping of all sentient beings is exactly the same. In the same way, if you cultivate an altruistic mind it pervades limitless beings. What pervades is the power of love.
- Garchen Rinpoche
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