Lotsawa House
Po-yu Sung
著名「蓮師翻譯小組」(Padmakara Translation Group)的兩位指導上師:吉美欽哲仁波切和貝瑪旺嘉仁波切,為「八萬四千佛典傳譯」所完成的最新藏英譯作「成就所願」和「護佑眾生」,皆與祈福迴向有關,值得關注:
CHANT FOR WELLBEING | The second episode in our Sūtras for Wellbeing series focuses on two closely related, and recently published texts: The Dedication "Fulfilling All Aspirations" and The Dedication "Protecting All Beings." And today, we are thrilled to share with you both Tibetan and English readings of these texts by two widely respected teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition: Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche (English) and Pema Wangyal Rinpoche (Tibetan).
84000's Sūtras for Wellbeing series shares some of the sūtras traditionally recited for resilience and wellbeing in times adversity, and the stories behind them.
Stay tuned, for our upcoming video on these two texts - and in the meantime, we hope you find some inspiration in the recitations!