


1. 轉苦樂為道的指示
2. 轉苦樂為道用之竅訣

~ 以下提供普賢法譯小組之舊作,願我們都能於一切時中轉苦樂為道用!


Transforming Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment

Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpe Nyima

第三世多竹千(多智欽)仁波切The Third Dodrupchen

From the murals of Shechen Monastery. Used with permission of Rabjam Rinpoche.



Transforming Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment


by Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpe Nyima



I pay homage to Noble Avalokiteśvara, recalling his qualities:
Forever joyful at the happiness of others,
And plunged into sorrow whenever they suffer,
You have fully realized Great Compassion, with all its qualities,
And abide, without a care for your own happiness or suffering!








I am going to put down here a partial instruction on how to use both happiness and suffering as the path to enlightenment. This is indispensable for leading a spiritual life, a most needed tool of the Noble Ones, and quite the most priceless teaching in the world.


There are two parts:


1)   how to use suffering as the path,


2)   and how to use happiness as the path.


Each one is approached firstly through relative truth, and then through absolute truth.


1)  How to Use Suffering as the Path to Enlightenment


i. Through Relative Truth


Whenever we are harmed by sentient beings or anything else, if we make a habit out of perceiving only the suffering, then when even the smallest problem comes up, it will cause enormous anguish in our mind.


This is because the nature of any perception or idea, be it happiness or sorrow, is to grow stronger and stronger the more we become accustomed to it. So as the strength of this pattern gradually builds up, before long we’ll find that just about everything we perceive becomes a cause for actually attracting unhappiness towards us, and happiness will never get a chance.


If we do not realize that it all depends on the way in which mind develops this habit, and instead we put the blame on external objects and situations alone, the flames of suffering, negative karma, aggression and so on will spread like wildfire, without end. This is what is called: “all appearances arising as enemies.”


We should arrive at a very precise understanding that the whole reason why sentient beings in this degenerate age are plagued by so much suffering is because they have such feeble powers of discernment.


So not to be hurt by the obstacles created by enemies, illness or harmful influences, does not mean to say that things like sickness can be driven away, and that they will never occur again. Rather, it simply means that they will not be able to obstruct us from practising on the path.


In order for this to happen, we need: first, to get rid of the attitude of being entirely unwilling to face any suffering ourselves and, second, to cultivate the attitude of actually being joyful when suffering arises.


Dropping the Attitude of Being Entirely Unwilling to Suffer


Think about all the depression, anxiety and irritation we put ourselves through by always seeing suffering as unfavourable, something to be avoided at all costs. Now, think about two things: how useless this is, and how much trouble it causes. Go on reflecting on this repeatedly, until you are absolutely convinced.


Then say to yourself: “From now on, whatever I have to suffer, I will never become anxious or irritated.” Go over this again and again in your mind, and summon all your courage and determination.


First, let’s look at how useless it is. If we can do something to solve a problem, then there is no need to worry or be unhappy about it; if we can’t, then it doesn’t help to worry or be unhappy about it either.


Then, the enormous trouble involved. As long as we don’t get anxious and irritated, then our strength of mind will enable us to bear even the hardest of sufferings easily; they’ll feel as flimsy and insubstantial as cotton wool. But while we are dominated by anxiety, even the tiniest problem becomes extremely difficult to cope with, because we have the additional burden of mental discomfort and unhappiness.


Imagine, for example, trying to get rid of desire and attachment for someone we find attractive while continuing to dwell all the while on their attractive qualities. It would all be in vain. In just the same way, if we concentrate only on the pain brought by suffering, we’ll never be able to develop endurance or the ability to bear it.[2] So, as in the instructions called ‘Sealing the Doors of the Senses’, don’t latch onto all kinds of mind-made concepts about your suffering. Learn instead to leave the mind undisturbed in its own natural state, bring the mind home, rest there, and let it find its own ground.


Cultivating the Attitude of Being Joyful when Suffering Arises


Seeing suffering as an ally to help us on the path, we must learn to develop a sense of joy when it arises. Yet whenever suffering strikes, unless we have some kind of spiritual practice to bring to it, one which matches the capacity of our mind, no matter how many times we might say to ourselves: ‘Well, as long as I’ve got roughly the right method, I’ll be able to use suffering and obtain such and such a benefit’, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll succeed. We’ll be as far from our goal, the saying goes, as the earth is from the sky.


Therefore, use suffering as the basis for the following practices:


a.   Using Suffering to Train in Renunciation


Sometimes, then, use your suffering in order to train your mind in renunciation.


Say to yourself: “As long as I wander, powerless and without any freedom, in samsara, this kind of suffering is not something unjust or unwarranted. It’s simply the very nature of samsara.” At times, develop a deep sense of revulsion by thinking; “If it’s already so hard for me to bear even the little suffering and pain of the happy realms, then what about the suffering of the lower realms? Samsara is indeed an ocean of suffering, fathomless and without any end!” Then turn your mind towards liberation, and enlightenment.


b.   Using Suffering to Train in Taking Refuge


Say to yourself: “Life after life, again and again we are continuously plagued by these kind of fears, and the one and only protection that can never fail us is the precious guide, the Buddha, the precious path, the Dharma, and the precious companions on the way, the Sagha: the Three Jewels. So it is on them that I must rely, entirely. Whatever happens, I will never renounce them.” Let this become a firm conviction, and train in the practice of taking refuge.


c.   Using Suffering to Overcome Arrogance


As I explained before, [as long as we are in samsara] we are never independent or truly free or in control of our lives. On the contrary, we are always dependent on and at the mercy of suffering. So we must eliminate ‘the enemy that destroys anything that is wholesome and good’, which is arrogance and pride; and we must do away with the evil attitude of belittling others and considering them as inferior.


d.   Using Suffering to Purify Harmful Actions


Remind yourself and realize: “All this suffering which I’m going through, and suffering which is greater still—all the boundless suffering that there is—come from nothing but harmful, negative actions.”


Reflect, carefully and thoroughly, how:


1.   karma is certain—cause and effect is infallible;


2.   karma multiplies enormously;[3]


3.   you will never face the effects of something you have not done;


4.   whatever you have done will never go to waste.



Then say to yourself: “So, if I really don’t want to suffer any more, then I must give up the cause of suffering, which is negativity.”[4] With the help of ‘The Four Powers’, make an effort to acknowledge and purify all the negative actions you have accumulated in the past, and then firmly resolve to avoid doing them in the future.


e. Using Suffering to Find Joy in Positive Action


Say to yourself: “If I really want to find happiness, which is the opposite of suffering, then I have got to make an effort to practise its cause, which is positive action.” Think about this in detail, and from every angle, and dwell on the implications. Then in every way possible, do whatever you can to make your positive, beneficial actions increase.


f. Using Suffering to Train in Compassion


Say to yourself: “Just like me, others too are tormented by similar suffering, or even much worse...” Train yourself by thinking: “If only they could be free from all this suffering! How wonderful it would be!” This will also help you to understand how to practise loving kindness, where the focus of the practice is those who have no happiness.


1.     By Candragomin.  印度論師月官所作。

2.      བཟོད་སྲན། zö sen: the ability to bear suffering—forbearance, endurance, patience, fortitude, and stability.    བཟོད་སྲན།,  zö sen(譯註:應該是བཟོད་པ ,安忍之意)承受痛苦的能力——寬容、耐受、忍辱、堅毅、安定。

3.     Alak Zenkar Rinpoche: “You might complain: ‘I didn’t do anything bad, or very little, in this life, so why do I go through such suffering?’ It’s easy for karma to increase. Just as how from a tiny seed in the earth, a lot of fruit can grow. The results of one action (karma) can multiply enormously, as they themselves spawn further consequences, like a family tree.”  阿拉.森噶(土登尼瑪)仁波切曾說:「你或許會抱怨:『我這輩子沒作什麼壞事,或者即使有,也很微小。為何我要遭受這些痛苦呢?』業果是很容易增生的,就像土裡的一粒小種子能長出茂盛的果實那般。一次行為(業)之果會大量倍增而產生種種未來的結果,就像一棵家族樹一樣。」

4.     What is the difference between harmful actions (sdig pa dikpa) and negativity (mi dge ba migewa)? ‘Negativity’ is a general term to denote the unvirtuous and immoral. ‘Harmful action’ is more intense; not only are such actions unvirtuous, but they are destructive and cause harm. To have an unvirtuous thought is only in the mind, and it is not necessarily acted out. In general ‘harmful action’ is connected to physical action.  「惱害行」與「不善」有什麼不同?「不善」是指稱不端正、不道德的一般用語。 而「惱害行」則比較嚴重,除了不善(不端正、無美德),還具有破壞力且會造成傷害。不善的想法」只是在心裡運作,不見得會執行。而「惱害行」通常和付諸行動有關。


~ 待續,普賢法譯小組Rebecca翻譯、Peiying校對,Serena完稿於2020年藏曆具香地藏王菩薩節日,願一切善妙吉祥!



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