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烏金督佳仁波切:令人開心的理由 ~ 皈依發心和金剛薩埵 (16~24)

Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche: Reasons to be Cheerful

201299日,阿姆斯特丹 (Amsterdam)

Samsara 輪迴

This is why the preliminaries describe samsara’s shortcomings next. If there were no samsara the buddhas would not appear; and without samsara, what’s the point of the buddhas? They’d have nothing to do. If there is no one to buy something, neither will there be anyone to sell it. The ‘bodhisattvas’ remain in samsara to carry out their activities – to do their jobs. So Manjushri and Avalokiteshvara remain in samsara to help other beings. This is something else you should think about.


Now, once you are free from samsara, where do you go? As samsara is based on the mind, it’s your mind that is freed and your mind that reaches enlightenment, not your body. Therefore samsara is a good thing, so you should make aspiration prayers like the one in The Way of Bodhisattva, chapter 10, verse 55.

And now as long as space endures,

As long as there are beings to be found,

May I continue likewise to remain

To drive away the sorrows of the world.  [4]



Samsara contains all the paths followed and accomplished by the buddhas in order to help sentient beings. Therefore samsara isn’t so terrible after all. In fact, it’s very pleasant.


Refuge Joy 皈依之喜

Next comes taking refuge. Everyone here has already taken refuge. Buddha said that the benefit of taking refuge is so great that if it took a physical shape, it would be too big to fit into the whole of space. Taking refuge in each of the Three Jewels individually brings benefits beyond our imaginations. Since you have taken refuge already, you should rejoice at having done something that has so many benefits and qualities.


Bodhichitta 菩提心

After that comes arousing the mind of enlightenment: the bodhichitta of aspiration and action. If you can keep the bodhichitta of aspiration in your mind and apply bodhichitta to all your activities, you will reach enlightenment. This is especially true of putting bodhichitta into action. When embraced by the application of bodhichitta, everything you do becomes a cause for enlightenment. This is also something to rejoice.


One sixtieth of an hour is one minute, isn't it? The merit of embracing the mind of enlightenment by holding bodhichitta in your mind is inconceivable.


How long have you been going round and round in samsara? How many billions of years have you already spent here? It’s incalculable, way beyond our capacity to imagine. When you think about the benefits and qualities of bodhichitta, you should want to throw a party to celebrate every single day, because arousing bodhichitta offers us such incredible opportunities for enlightenment. And it’s so easy.


All you have to do is think about it.

As Maitreya said to Asanga,

Precious, sublime bodhicitta:

May it arise in those in whom it has not arisen,

May it never fail where it has arisen

May it go on increasing, further and further.



Actually when you train the mind in bodhichitta, ‘rejoicing meditation’ is also necessary, and we don’t do it alone, “all of you gods also rejoice!” So if you don’t rejoice yourself because you’re brooding over your own misery, what’s the point of meditating on the fact that all the gods are happy? “May gods and demigods and all the rest rejoice!” [5]


* 譯註:原註為《入行論》第三品「受持菩提心」第34頌,經查為第33頌,並採確尊法師所譯,全句為:「今於怙主前,宴請眾生享,成未成佛樂,天非天歡喜」。如石法師譯文則為:「今于怙主前,筵衆爲上賓,宴饗成佛樂,普願皆歡喜。」


Vajrasattva 金剛薩埵


After that you meditate on Vajrasattva, or if you like you can offer the mandala first and then meditate on Vajrasattva. Today, we’ll begin with Vajrasattva.

To say the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva one hundred and eight times without interruption will undoubtedly purify all your evil actions and obscurations.   

The buddhas of past, present and future will look on the yogi who recites the hundred-syllable mantra daily as their most excellent child.  


* 譯註:出自巴楚仁波切的名著《普賢上師言教》。

You don’t have to recite millions of hundred-syllable mantras because one hundred and eight will already bring you great benefit. You will become a child of the buddhas, the ‘Victorious Ones of the three times’. You must also trust the practice will work. Mantras need to be recited with trust. Without trust, reciting even a hundred million mantras won't help. You can develop trust by reading quotations about the benefits of mantra recitation – which is why the quotations are so often mentioned.


The Buddhas of past, present and future will look on the yogi who recites the hundred syllable mantra daily as their most excellent child...[8] So as you recite the mantra, all the heinous actions and obscurations you accumulated in the past are purified. You need to trust that this is what happens, and if you do, you’ll feel happier about your situation. Not everyone here have recited the hundred-syllable mantra one hundred thousand times, but I’m sure that everyone has recited it at least one hundred and eight times, haven’t they?






1. 前言一:
2. 前言二:
3. Eight Freedoms and Ten Advantages 八閒暇與十圓滿:
4. Impermanence of Life生命無常:
5. Cause and Effect 因果:
6.~8. 寂天菩薩的故事:
9.~15. 菩提心的利益:

~普賢法譯小組Becca, Chengwei, Dorothy, Emilia, Iris, Jil, Lily, Misty, Sammie, Susane, Yudih中譯、校對(依參與者英文姓名首字排序),Ruyu審閱、Serena完稿於2019.12.25 (全篇已翻譯完成,尚有二分之一待上傳)。願佛法行者開心精進修持,一切有情獲得真實安樂!




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