



Learning and practice are the essence of the Buddhist way. The mark of practice is a lessening of the kleshas, or neurotic thought-patterns.

In mindfulness practice, your concentration is a very thin, sturdy wire going through all your clouds of thoughts. The practice of going back to the breath, back to reality, is taking place all the time. So it is very necessary for you to practice mindfulness utterly and completely.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《沒事,我有定心丸》,頁103。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路
~ p.40-41, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





In order to open yourself to the dharma, you need to drop any possi-
ble preoccupations of mind and simply try to listen and to understand.

Sitting practice provides ground for that to happen, because in meditation all thoughts are regarded simply as discursive thoughts. None of them are regarded as at all valid or real. However, although such thought patterns are not that important, 
because they come and they go, you should regard them as part of your dharma practice.

But there is something that is not purely a thought pattern, which is hearing the dharma.


中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ p.21 "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


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