~ 嗯,要用力畫重點:[ 禪修時,] 不要把你正在做的事情和宗教扯上關係。
~ 這個粉絲專頁 當鐵鳥升空 When the Iron Bird Flies 每週三早上八點半推出創巴仁波切的三乘法教系列中英對照摘要,值得追蹤關注喔!
Practice should carry along with it a sense of delight. It is completely
secular and not at all religious or pious. When the gong strikes and you
begin your meditation practice, notions of “ought” or “ought not,”
“should” or “shouldn’t,” notions of punishment or of being a good boy
or good girl automatically begin to come up. You need to let go of such
notions. You have to become completely ordinary and not associate what you are doing with religion. The problem with holding on to a religious
attitude is that when you have bad posture or you miss a sitting session
or think that you didn’t meditate properly, you feel guilty. That builds up
negativity, and in turn you are unable to hear the dharma—and because of
that, there is no joy in being a buddhadharma practitioner.
中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路
~ p.19"The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche