


Freedom of the mind can only be found if we eliminate the afflictions. And so it is most important to recognize that.

~ Garchen Rinpoche "Living a Meaningful Life", public talk, Seattle, 2015
~ English transcription

~ 噶千仁波切2015.07.03於西雅圖對大眾的開示:讓生命具有意義(下)

~ 西雅圖中心 Judy & 普賢法譯小組 Hueymei, Yalin 英聽、中譯、校對,Serena完稿於2018.1.20,願一切吉祥



The 5 outer elements that make up our body are very strongly related to the 5 afflictions in our mind. And these are very strongly related to the 5 elements on the outer level, and the outer world. So the inner and the outer are strongly related to each other. So the mind of any being that possesses the 5 afflictions, that these 5 afflictions directly affects the 5 elements that make up their body, and that affects the outer world. So again it begins, first of all, with the mind. First the mind becomes disturbed. And then that disturbance of the mind disturbs the body, so that brings the body an imbalanced state. And the imbalanced elements of the body then lead to an imbalanced speech, so we act out. And that leads to a lot of fighting and suffering in this world, and more and more conflict. So it is necessary to recognize that it all originates from an imbalance and disturbance of the mind within. And so then, understanding that, the science of the mind has emerged from understanding that, and then trying to find a method to purify this imbalance of the mind.

~ Garchen Rinpoche "Living a Meaningful Life", public talk, Seattle, 2015
~ English transcription

~ 噶千仁波切2015.07.03於西雅圖對大眾的開示:讓生命具有意義(上)
~ 西雅圖中心 Judy & 普賢法譯小組 Hueymei, Yalin 英聽、中譯、校對,Serena完稿於2018.1.18,願一切吉祥!

敬祈依怙主 噶千仁波切長壽康健,常住世間,直至輪迴空盡!

GarTul Chimi Dorjee 在 Maryland 。

You’ve came to my life like a sunshine and You are still shining bright in my heart. Your love and wisdom will be always remember and In this very auspicious day of your 83rd birthday we’ll try to live forever in your blessings and aspirations.

噶千仁波切甫於美國主持文殊閻魔敵竹千大法會圓滿時,講到何謂「僧團」~ 有中文口譯喔!

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GarTul Chimi Dorjee

Glimpse of Rinpoche after
great completion of Yamantaka Drubchen.
Much, much rejoice and aspire for light and love to all.



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