

Tulku Pema Rigtsal 祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切

Tulku Pema Rigtsal

Tulku Pema Rigtsal (b. 1963) is a contemporary lama and monk of the Nyingma tradition, whose main area of activity is in Humla, a remote area in the northwest of Nepal. He is one of the main Dudjom Tersar holders in Nepal.
祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切(出生於1963年)是一位當代的上師及寧瑪傳承的僧侶。主要活動範圍在尼泊爾西北方的偏鄉地區-洪拉。仁波切為《敦珠新巖傳》(Dudjom Tersar)在尼泊爾的主要持有者之一。

Birth and Recognition 出生與認證[編輯]

Tulku Pema Rigtsal (or Tulku Pema Riksal) was born in 1963; his father was the Second Degyal Rinpoche and his mother Kyama Tsering. At the age of three, he was recognized by Dudjom Rinpoche and by Ling Rinpoche as the reincarnation of Chimme Rinpoche, the head lama of Ngari Pureng She Pheling Monastery. His main enthronement ceremony was held in 1977 at the Shedphel Ling Monastery at Mongod, India, which was overseen by Pema Kundol Rinpoche.
祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切(Tulku Pema Rigtsal)生於1963年,父親為第二世德嘉仁波切(貝瑪吉美南傑)(Pema Jigme Namgyel),母親為恰瑪慈琳(Kyama Tsering)。三歲時,由怙主敦珠法王和凌仁波切認證為阿里.浦仁.謝貝林寺(Ngari Pureng She Pheling Monastery)首座喇嘛企美仁波切(Chimme Rinpoche)的轉世,並於1977年在印度芒果謝貝林寺舉行坐床儀式,主法者為貝瑪昆多仁波切(Pema Kundol Rinpoche)。

His brother was Shiva Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Golok Serta Rinpoche.
其胞弟為希瓦仁波切 (Shiva Rinpoche),是果洛色達仁波切 (Golok Serta Rinpoche)的轉世。

Training 求學[編輯]

Until the age of nineteen, Tulku Pema Rigtsal received an early education in reading, writing and ritual practices with his father the Second Degyal Rinpoche. He especially received from him all the practices of the Dudjom Tersar.

After, and during more than ten years, Tulku Pema Rigtsal, accompagnied by Khenchen Dawai Wozer, received teachings from Khenchen Choying Khyabdal Rinpoche.

He has mainly received empowerments, transmission and teachings from :


He has completed a closed three-year retreat, and a six-month retreat as well.

Activity 事業[編輯]

In 1985, in Humla Yolwang, in the far northwest of Nepal, he established Namkha Khyung Dzong monastery, which follows the Dudjom Tersar tradition. There, Tulku Pema Rigtsal has given to about 150 monks teachings on the sutras, tantras, the Zhugchen Chusum, with a special emphasis on the wisdom view of Mipham Rinpoche.
仁波切於1985年在尼泊爾西北方偏遠地帶的洪拉佑旺(Humla Yolwang),遵循《敦珠新嚴傳》傳承建立了南卡穹宗寺院,至今已為大約一百五十位僧侶教導經、續、《十三部大論》,並特別著重於米滂仁波切的智慧見地。

Tulku Pema Rigtsal gives teachings on the Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro, the The Words of My Perfect TeacherBodhicharyavatara, and the RichöNang JangNeluk Rangjung, and other Dudjom Tersar teachings, to the people of Humla and those from the Ngari part of Tibet.
祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切給予的法教包括《敦珠新嚴傳》前行法、《普賢上師言教》、《入菩薩行論》,以及《山淨煙供》、《淨治明相》(Nang Jang,或稱《修治顯相.無修成佛》,全名《能現前自性大圓滿本來面目之教授 無修成佛》)、《自生實相續金剛藏》(Neluk Rangjung,全名《淨相智慧網所出實相自生續 金剛藏》),與其他《敦珠新嚴傳》的法教,對象包括洪拉和來自西藏阿里地方的人們。

Tulku Pema Rigtsal also holds Summer and Winter Dharma Teaching sessions every year for more than five hundred practitioners including monks, ngakpas (yogis) and nuns residing in Humla and Ngari, Tibet. Hundreds of hermits are practising in caves and solitary locations in Humla, Nepal and Ngari, Tibet under his religious instruction and guidance. 
祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切每年也為住在洪拉和西藏阿里超過五百位僧尼和瑜珈士等修行者舉辦夏季和冬季的佛法教學課程。 此外,目前也有數以百計的閉關者在其教授和指導下,於尼泊爾洪拉和西藏阿里等地區的山洞和隱居裡進行實修。

Besides Nepal, Tibet and India, Rinpoche has many disciples in Taiwan, Singpore, Hong Kong and the U.S.A. 
除了於尼泊爾 、 西藏和印度,仁波切在台灣、新加玻、香港和美國也有很多弟子。

Writings 著作[編輯]

Among his writings, there are :

  1. a commentary on the Calling The Lama From Afar (Lama Gyangbod ‘Nyugme Thollu’) of Dudjom Rinpoche
  2. a biography of the Degyal Rinpoche (the first).
  3. his first book in Tibetan, entitled “Semkyi Sangwa Ngontu Phyungwa” (The Great Secret of Mind). 

1. 對敦珠仁波切《遙呼上師祈請文》(Lama Gyangbod'Nyugme Thollu')的注疏
2. 第一世德嘉仁波切傳記
3. 第一本藏文著作《直顯心之奧祕:大圓滿無二性的殊勝口訣》,書名為“Semkyi Sangwa Ngontu Phyungwa” (The Great Secret of Mind: Special Instructions on the Nonduality of Dzogchen)

Further Reading 深入閱讀[編輯]

  • “The Great Secret of Mind”, Tulku Pema Rigtsal (Snow Lion, 2012)

《 直顯心之奧祕 》(作者:祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切,雪獅出版社2012年發行,橡樹林出版社2015年發行中譯本)

External Link[編輯]

1.《普賢密意》全名:本淨大圓甚深界寶庫 無改圓滿劫自生佛陀 普賢密意躍然掌中明了教授 密意表示耳傳圓滿之保密口訣
2.《修治顯相.無修成佛》全名:能現前自性大圓滿本來面目之教授 無修成佛
3.《覺知金剛銳利續》全名:淨相智慧網所出 本淨普賢佛母法界 任運成就大圓滿寶庫 覺知金剛銳利續 大密密宗之極密精粹
5.《自生實相續金剛藏》全名:淨相智慧網所出實相自生續 金剛藏 
1. Kunzang Gongpa, The Enlightened View of Samantabhadra — A Profound Treasure of the Expanse of the Originally Pure Great Perfection, Sealed Teachings of Pith Instructions Offering a Complete Synthesis of the Enlightened View Lineage, the Symbolic Lineage, and the Aural Lineage — A Lucid Presentation, Laid in the Palm of the Hand, of the Enlightened View of Samantabhadra, the Unmodified, Perfect, Self-Emergent Buddha', (Wyl. ka dag rdzogs pa chen po'i klong mdzod zab mo / ma bcos rdzogs ldan rang byung gi sangs rgyas/ kun tu bzhang po'i dgongs pa lag pa'i mthil du bkram nas lhag ger bstan pa/ dgongs brda snyan brgyud chig rdzogs kyi man ngag bka' rgya ma)
2. Nang Jang, Buddhahood without Meditation
3. Sherik Dorje Nӧnpo Gyü, The Sharp Vajra of Awareness Tantra (Wyl. shes rig rdo rje rnon po'i rgyud) 
4. Mongpé Lün Chö Dak Göja Puchen, The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers (Wyl. rmongs pa'i blun chos 'dag gos bya spu can )
5. Neluk Rangjung, The Vajra Essence (Wyl. dag snang ye shes drva pa las gnas lugs rang byung gi rgyud rdo rje'i snying po) 

~ 仁波切中文粉絲頁: 尊貴的 貝瑪里沙仁波切 大圓滿-直顯心之奧秘

~ 當代藏密大師介紹系列: 

~ 普賢法譯小組 Natalie 翻譯 / Serena 校對,願一切賢善吉祥!


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