
1. 今年大覺寺的保安較往年更加嚴峻,手機和平板電腦完全無法帶進大覺寺。主辦方雖也預備了法本供大眾使用,但參加者眾多,還是鼓勵大家事先自行打印。
2. 仁波切將在11月8-12日於菩提樹下以藏文開示《維摩詰經》。欲聽取英文翻譯的法友請自行攜帶小型FM收音機。
3. 11月14日上午仁波切將協同【八萬四千• 佛典傳譯】帶領經典回響活動,讀誦《月燈三昧經》。主辦方會預備一些文本,但參加者亦可自行打印佛經中的任何5-6頁備用。
4. 「悉達多慶典」將在11月16-17日舉行。無需報名。每日晚間7點的晚餐與藝文演出的門票將在「悉達多慶典」展開前兩天在菩提迦耶開始接受預訂。


Mark your calendar! We are delighted to share with you the many events that are taking place in Bodhgaya, India next month, as Buddhists from around the world gather at this holy site to remember Buddha and his precious teachings.

Nov 6-15 - Dzongsar Monlam

Organized by Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute, Dzongsar Monlam started in 2006 and has been taking place biennially in Bodhgaya, India under the Bodhi tree. This year the participants will be reciting “Samantabhadra’s Prayer for Excellent Conduct” one hundred thousand times. During the Dzongsar Monlam, from Nov 7-11, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche will be giving a five-day teaching on the Vimalakirti Sutra. Check out Siddhartha's Intent Global for more information:…/dzongsar-mon…/view/2018-11-06

Nov 14 - 84000’s Resounding Under the Bodhi Tree

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche will lead a Sutra Resounding together with 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha on the morning of November 14. Participants will be reading from the newly translated “King of Samadhis Sutra." You can learn more and download the sutra text here:

Nov 16–17 - Siddhartha Festival

Siddhartha Festival celebrates the Buddha’s life and teachings at the place where he attained enlightenment: under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, India. The two-day programme includes talks, chants, dance, and much more. The event is free and open to all with no registration required. There will be special dinner and performance events on both evenings, and tickets will be available two days prior in Bodhgaya. For more information, please visit:

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