

Preface for “Dispeller of Obstacles: the Heart Practice of Padmasambhava”
The Barche Lamsel is one of the most well known prayers in Tibetan Buddhism.  The great masters of the past valued this precious prayer to Padmasambhava for it exudes immediate blessings to the faithful devotee.  Why did these great masters put great emphasis on this prayer to Padmasambhava?  The answer is simple; for Padmasambhava is the Lama, the Yidam and the Dakini.  He is the embodiment of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the three times- he is the All in One.  Supplicating to him, praying to him and practicing on him, is the swiftest and most powerful method for receiving his blessings and hence dispelling the obstacles to our wordly and spiritual path.  
In today’s degenerate times, we have more obstacles- worldly as well as to our spiritual progress.  Therefore, foreseeing such times of debase and decadence, Padmasambhava, with great compassion for the beings of the future, have taught this particular prayer to the fortunate Tibetans in the 8th century and hid it as a terma to be revealed for beings of the Degenerate Times.  
Today, the situation in the world is very turbulent and in times like this, praying to Padmasambhava and practicing the sadhana of Thukdrub Barche Kunsel, is the most powerful and only way to resolve the craziness in this world.  Padmasambhava himself promised, ‘If you pray and practice on me with faith and trust, there is nothing that I can not do- even Kali Yuga, the Degenerate Time can be stopped’.   
Translating this book into different languages will make the teachings of Padmasambhava accessible to many people and hence bring benefit.  
Neten Chokling
~ 普賢法譯小組 Bella 翻譯,Serena 校對
~ 〈遍除道障〉(巴切浪色)Barche Lamsel ,或稱〈蓮師消除道障祈請文〉,首句為「嗡阿吽班雜咕嚕珼瑪悉地吽!祈請法身無量光,祈請報身大悲尊,祈請化身蓮華生!」。英譯版可見於 。《障礙遍除意修》(圖珠巴切昆色)Thugdrub Barche Kunsel ,或稱《遍除障礙上師心修》或《意成就障礙盡除》,則指整套的修持法門。
~ 由於趕工印刷又老眼昏花,紙本中文版序言的第一句 Barche Lamsel 翻譯有誤且未能校正,特別在此更正,敬請讀者見諒!

~ 購書:蓮師重要伏藏法教,涅頓秋林仁波切寫序 ~《障礙遍除:蓮師心要修持》 

~ 勘誤:《障礙遍除》新書勘誤 




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