Once again the perfect Buddha said to Youthful Moonlight: "Youthful one, this being so, a bodhisattva mahasattva who aspires to achieve this samadhi, and who wishes to awaken quickly, truly, and fully to unexcelled true and complete enlightenment, should be skilled in means".
"Youthful one, how does a bodhisattva mahasattva become skilled in means? Youthful one, a bodhisattva mahasattva should keep an attitude of connectedness to all sentient beings. A bodhisattva mahasattva should thus rejoice in the good roots of sentient beings and in whatever merit they have. Three times a day and three times a night, he should rejoice in the good roots of all beings and in their accumulation of merit, and then, with the resolve aimed at the state of omniscient enlightenment, he should give away his good roots and accumulated merit to all sentient beings.
"Youthful one, by possessing the merit resulting from being skilled in means, a bodhisattva will quickly attain this samadhi, and he will quickly awaken truly and fully to unexcelled true and complete enlightenment.
-Buddha Shakymuni, speaking to a disciple in the King of Samadhi Sutra.
~出自”Jewels of Enlightenment: Wisdom Teachings / Great Tibetan Masters”一書中對《三摩地王經》的英文摘譯