此外,為了將上述製作成DVD內頁小冊,以致光碟完工的日期延後,還請已經匯款申請郵寄的法友見諒,志工最慢將在 5/31 (連假後的第一個上班日) 陸續寄出;至於已經匯款申請線上下載者,5/28 晚上十點前將收到連結,還請注意信箱郵件,謝謝大家的耐心等候!
About Online Payment / Download: 不好意思讓大家久等,我們原已申請Vimeo帳號要讓大家可 以有線上觀看或下載的選項,但因該公司竟然聲稱臺灣並非 國家而無法提供我們NPO非營利單位的優惠,所以要收稅 30%!我們因此回頭改用最單純的方式,也就是Goog le雲端硬碟的連結分享,並相信諸位法友都會願意尊重影 片版權而不和他人分享檔案。以下就是線上付費並獲得下載 連結的方式:(請注意:因PayPal修改條款,台灣境內並不適用,請改用匯款或劃撥 )
1. 首先進入 ,若尚無 paypal 帳號需先申請一個。
2. 在 paypal 首頁上方點選「付款」選項,接著會出現一欄需填入資料。
3. 電子郵件請填
4. 線上下載檔案:360 TWD
5. 購買實體光碟:450 TWD + 海外運費,或500 TWD(已含台灣境內運費)
6. 按照操作流程即可完成付款,我們的志工將在收到通知後盡
*臺灣境內的匯款和劃撥資料:線上下載 360 元,光碟定價 450 元,光碟連同國內郵寄優惠 500 元,匯款方式:
(1) 郵政帳號:0002552-0139219 (臺北市內湖郵局大湖分行) 帳戶:中華民國普賢法譯學會 楊書婷
(2) 劃撥帳號:5023-5596 帳戶:中華民國普賢法譯學會
Sorry to keep you waiting! For online streaming, we've created a Vimeo account weeks ago but was informed recently that since Taiwan is not considered as a country (What?!!!), our organization will be charged 30% of the sale amount. That's really too much!
Therefore, we'll be sharing the link in the Google drive to those who want to watch on-line, for which they'll have to download the file. We believe that our Dharma friends will respect the copyright as much as we respect the law of karma.
Please visit the paypal website, enter "" to pay and the price for downloading is TWD 360 (approximately USD 11.99). Remember to provide us your gmail account with a screenshot of your payment to the same email address: "". Our volunteers will send the link to you, starting from May 28th, the coming Sunday and the third day of Saga Dawa. Thank you very much!