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貝瑪里沙仁波切講授敦珠林巴大圓滿法教的傳承與殊勝:敦珠林巴五本著作的中英藏對照 & 歡迎索取錄音

2017.03.31 感謝仁波切第一次在台灣講授敦珠林巴的大圓滿法教,這也是仁波切第一次不在高高的法座上傳法,而用現代人討論法教的方式在一般高度的椅子上與大眾進行生動的問答,讓我們對大圓滿有了更多的了解和更大的嚮往!


1.《普賢密意》全名:本淨大圓甚深界寶庫 無改圓滿劫自生佛陀 普賢密意躍然掌中明了教授 密意表示耳傳圓滿之保密口訣
2.《修治顯相.無修成佛》全名:能現前自性大圓滿本來面目之教授 無修成佛
3.《覺知金剛銳利續》全名:淨相智慧網所出 本淨普賢佛母法界 任運成就大圓滿寶庫 覺知金剛銳利續 大密密宗之極密精粹
5.《自生實相續金剛藏》全名:淨相智慧網所出實相自生續 金剛藏



1. Kunzang Gongpa, The Enlightened View of Samantabhadra — A Profound Treasure of the Expanse of the Originally Pure Great Perfection, Sealed Teachings of Pith Instructions Offering a Complete Synthesis of the Enlightened View Lineage, the Symbolic Lineage, and the Aural Lineage — A Lucid Presentation, Laid in the Palm of the Hand, of the Enlightened View of Samantabhadra, the Unmodified, Perfect, Self-Emergent Buddha', (Wyl. ka dag rdzogs pa chen po'i klong mdzod zab mo / ma bcos rdzogs ldan rang byung gi sangs rgyas/ kun tu bzhang po'i dgongs pa lag pa'i mthil du bkram nas lhag ger bstan pa/ dgongs brda snyan brgyud chig rdzogs kyi man ngag bka' rgya ma)
2. Nang Jang, Buddhahood without Meditation
3. Sherik Dorje Nӧnpo Gyü, The Sharp Vajra of Awareness Tantra (Wyl. shes rig rdo rje rnon po'i rgyud) 
4. Mongpé Lün Chö Dak Göja Puchen, The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers (Wyl. rmongs pa'i blun chos 'dag gos bya spu can )
5. Neluk Rangjung, The Vajra Essence (Wyl. dag snang ye shes drva pa las gnas lugs rang byung gi rgyud rdo rje'i snying po) 
~ 有興趣多了解者,可上此網查詢英文資料:


感謝宜蘭「開心門」道場住持 智德法師的請法、三位隨行喇嘛和劉光華師兄的指導、與會150位法友的聆聽和提問,以及普賢法譯小組所有志工的協助,希望未來還有機會聽聞仁波切的系列講座。





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