

Tenzin Weigyal
1 小時
















Yangthang Rinpoche's Followers
21 小時


烏金摩訶上師之補處、具德給瓦拉尊之化現、多芒大伏藏師多傑德千林巴之轉世再來人~怙主多芒揚唐仁波切~于藏曆紀元2143 年,勝住火猴年8 月14 日,時值公元2016 年10 月15 日,對具有常執的所化對象,示現密意于法界長眠。依照揚唐仁波切本人的遺教,在向怙主多竹千仁波切請益指引之下,舉行深廣的圓滿供養法會,以讓我等圓滿資糧、淨除蓋障,並

從公元10 月16 日起至11 月4 日間(藏曆8 月15 日至9月5 日之間),于此「三七」的期間,依照多竹仁波切的囑咐,于位於錫金首府Gangtok 的多竹塔寺(Dodrup Choerden Gompa),透過「上師供養」的儀軌,來進行圓寂法會。

11 月5 日(藏曆9 月6 日)當天,金身將迎請到位於錫金西部的大密蓮頂寺(即「貝瑪揚澤寺」/ Pemayangtse Monastery),在三天當中,將以「蓮師七章祈請文」來進行圓寂法會。

11 月8 日(藏曆9 月9 日)當天,金身將迎請到位於錫金西部的玉僧(Yuksom),這裡有錫金法王與三位大師相會之聖地~諾布崗。錫金正法之門在此開啓。玉僧也是揚唐仁波切本人的駐錫地。金身將被迎入鄰近諾布崗的仁波切寢室當中。從這一天起,到12 月2日星期五之間,進行深廣圓寂法會。

12 月2日這一天(藏曆10 月3日),將由諸方與會的大師們領眾,在玉僧進行火供,揚唐仁波切的金身將在這一天火化。這將是法會的最後一天,圓寂法會至此圓滿。特別是尊貴怙主多竹仁波切已然清晰同意肩負起揚唐仁波切轉世的大任,所以敬請所有虔信的弟子們,帶著歡愉心情,來參加這場圓寂祈願供養法會。

Dear all, 
We are sorry to inform you that one small change has been made in the schedule of the Nirvana Ceremonies for Yangthang Rinpoche. The Cremation of Rinpoche's sacred body will be on December 2. And the whole event will be concluded on this very day. This is the only change made. The revised the finalized schedule is listed below:
The Schedule of the Nirvana Ceremonies for H.H. Yangthang Rinpoche ( Final version) 
H.H. Yangthang Rinpoche, the regent of Orgyen Maha Guru, the manifestation of Gyalwa Lhatsun, and the reincarnation of Domang Terchen Dorje Dechen Lingpa, passed into nirvana on
October 15, 2016 (the 14th day of the 8th month of Fire Monkey Year in the year 2143, according to Tibetan lunar calendar). By following Yangthang Rinpoche’s own last words, we have requested H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche’s guidance and instruction. And so the schedule of Nirvana Ceremony was decided. In order to complete accumulations and purify obscurations, to have the new moon of Rinpoche’s reincarnation arisen swiftly, as well as for all the other virtuous
purposes, we will be offering profound and extensive Nirvana Ceremonies. The schedule is listed as follows,
Part One:
As advised by H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche, from October 16 to November 4 (the 15th day of the 8th month to the 5th day of the 9th month according to Tibetan calendar), during this period of 'three sevens’, we will be offering the Nirvana Ceremonies
through the sadhana ‘Lama Chodpa (Guru Offering)’ at Dodrup-Choerden Gompa in Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim.
Part Two:
On November 5 (the 6th day od the 9th month in Tibetan calendar) Yangthang Rinpoche’s sacred body will be invited to Pemayangtse Monastery in West Sikkim. The Nirvana Ceremonies will be held here for three days, through the chanting of ‘The Seven Chapters Supplication Prayers’.
Part Three:
On November 8 (the 9th day of the 9th month in Tibetan calendar), the sacred body will be invited to Yuksom of West Sikkim. Norbu Gang, located in Yuksom, is the holy site where the meeting of the first Sikkim’s dharma king and the three masters took place. The gate to the sublime Dharma was
therefore opened there. Yuksom was also the main seat of Yangthang Rinpoche. Rinpoche’s sacred body will be invited to his own room nearby Norbu Gang. The profound and extensive Nirvana Ceremonies will take place in Yuksom till December 2.
The Ending:
On December 2 (the 3rd day of the 10th month in Tibetan calendar), the Cremation Ceremony for Yangthang Rinpoche’s sacred body will take place in Yuksom. Sublime masters from all directions will join and conduct this ceremony. This event will
be the conclusion of the whole Nirvana Ceremoni
H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche has agreed to take the responsibility of finding the reincarnation of Yangthang Rinpoche. We request and welcome all devotees to participate this event with a joyous



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