
法王噶瑪巴對正覺大塔與其周邊爆炸案之呼籲 17th-karmapa/documents/ 20130707



Message From His Holiness The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa On The Bombing Of The Mahabodhi Temple And Its Environs. message-from-his-holiness-the- 17th-gyalwang-karmapa-on-the- bombing-of-the-mahabodhi- temple-and-its-environs/


I was deeply saddened to hear of the senseless violence perpetrated today at the Mahabodhi temple and its environs in Bodhgaya. This is the place where Buddhist pilgrims from India and the world over pay homage to Lord Buddha and his teachings.


聽到今日在菩提迦耶正覺大塔與其周邊發生的無理暴力, 我深感痛心。這是印度和全球佛教朝聖者, 禮敬佛陀及其教法的地方。


As yet we do not know why or by whom this sacred site was targeted. However, I am convinced that, as Buddhists, in responding to this situation, the best homage we can pay to Lord Buddha is to uphold his teachings on love and ahimsa (non-violence).


聖地受到攻擊的原因與主謀尚不明朗,但身為佛教徒, 我確信我們以持守佛陀慈愛與非暴力的教法來應對, 這即是對佛陀最上乘的禮敬。


I ask you, therefore, to remain calm and refrain from any further escalation of the violence. I offer my prayers for the victims and their families, and call on Buddhists everywhere to truly embrace the wisdom of Lord Buddha’s teachings in all that we do.


因此,我訴請各位保持冷靜,避免暴力的進一步攀升。 我為受難者及其家屬祝禱,並呼籲各地的佛教徒,於一切言行之中, 確實奉守佛陀教法的智慧。


17th Karmapa, OgyenTrinley Dorje


7th July, 2013.


第十七世噶瑪巴 鄔金欽列多傑


印度 達蘭沙拉





Nine blasts inside Mahabodhi temple in Bihar, 5 injured v=p6J1VHNE2Ho&feature=share



Five people have been injured in a series of blasts in Mahabodhi temple in Bihar's Bodh Gaya. Reports conform that nine minor explosions took place inside the temple complex.


Sick and insane to attack venerated Buddhist shrineNine blasts inside Mahabodhi temple in Bihar v=GYH1QLPKjrU&sns=fb



#Mahabodhi #Gaya #Buddhist #Tibet


印度佛教寺廟遭連環爆炸襲擊,已致5人受傷 gate/big5/ 2013/07/07/6651s4173225.htm


77清晨, 印度佛教聖地菩提伽耶的摩訶菩提寺遭到連環爆炸襲擊,目前已導致 5人受傷,其中包括2名藏族朝聖者。


當地警方稱,連環爆炸發生在7日清晨早上530分至6點之間, 共造成包括2名藏族朝聖者在內的5人受傷, 目前傷者已送往醫院救治,警察正在爆炸現場展開調查。目前, 尚未有組織或個人宣稱對這次襲擊負責。不過,有報道稱, 情報部門早在上周就得到了摩訶菩提寺可能是恐怖分子襲擊目標的消 息。


菩提伽耶位於印度巴特那城南約110公里處, 是佛祖釋迦牟尼的悟道成佛處,也是佛教四大聖地之一。摩訶菩提寺 2002年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。



http://iservice.libertytimes. 833683&type=%E7%A4%BE%E6%9C%83


印度佛教聖地菩提迦耶的摩訶菩提寺今天上午發生連環爆炸,已知5 人受傷,包括兩名遊客。報導說,事件不排除恐怖攻擊。


比哈(Bihar)省知名佛教聖地菩提迦耶(Bodh Gaya)的摩訶菩提寺(Mahabodhi Temple)今天上午530分(台北時間上午8時)到6時之 間,在佛寺園區和佛陀當年悟道的菩提樹地點附近,發生連環爆炸。


「印度時報」(The Times of India)網站即時報導,事件造成5人受傷, 包括兩名西藏裔朝聖徒,已被送醫。


「新德里電視台」(NDTV)今天報導,當地發生8起連環驚爆後 ,當局還找到另1枚炸彈並予拆除。


摩訶菩提寺2002年成為聯合國教育科學文化組織(UNESCO )世界遺產,為包括台灣在內全球佛教徒重要朝聖地。


報導說,印度防範恐怖攻擊地點的名單裡就包括摩訶菩提寺, 情報局上週才針對當地發布警訊。比哈省省長庫瑪(Nitish Kumar)稍晚將赴當地瞭解案情。


Photos: Mahabodhi temple after Bodh Gaya blasts photos/photos-mahabodhi- temple-after-bodh-gaya-blasts- 935401.html


According to news reports, bomb explosions took place at the Mahabodhi temple complex in Bodh Gaya, Bihar. while four serial blasts took place inside the Mahabodhi Temple complex at about 5:40 AM, three blasts took place at the Terega Monastery. The eighth blast took place near the famous 80-foot statue of Lord Buddha. Early images from the blast sites.





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