
Buddhist Holidays - calendar of Buddhist holidays 2013

May 25, 2013: Saga Dawa (Birth, Enlightenment, Death of Buddha, Tibetan)

Saga Dawa is the entire fourth month of the Tibetan lunar calendar. The seventh day of Saga Dawa is the day of the historical Buddha's birth for Tibetans. However, the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and entry into Nirvana at his death are observed together on the 15th day of Saga Dawa, which in 2013 is May 25.

Saga Dawa is the holiest time of the Tibetan year and a peak time for pilgrimages.


按照藏歷算法三月三十日至四月十五日將會出現氐宿(藏歷 28 個星宿之一),故而該月稱為氐宿月,藏語叫薩嘎達瓦。佛祖釋迦牟尼於藏歷鐵猴年薩嘎達瓦月七日誕生;木馬年薩嘎達瓦月十五日成道;鐵龍年薩嘎達瓦月十五日涅槃,因此,薩嘎達瓦月是一年中最殊勝﹑最熱鬧﹑最吉祥的日子。





Saga Dawa DuchenThe Sacred Month of Buddhist Celebration


Saga Dawa in 201221 May ~ 19 June

Buddha Shakyamuni's Birth28 May

Buddha Shakyamuni's Enlightenment & Parinirvana4 June

2012 薩嘎達哇月(佛教殊勝月典)521619


釋迦牟尼佛證悟及涅槃:6 4

There are several pivotal events in the Buddha's life that Buddhists celebrate, including His Birth, His Enlightenment, His First Turing of Dharma Wheel and His Mahaparinirvana. And it is on the 15th day of the fourth Tibetan lunar month, called "Saga Dawa Duchen" that Tibetan Buddhists commemorates His Birth, His Enlightenment and Mahaparinirvana.

佛陀一生當中有幾個重要的事件值得佛教徒慶祝,包括他的誕生、證悟、初轉法輪以及涅槃。藏曆 四月十五日 名做薩嘎達瓦節(Saga Dawa Duchen),藏傳佛教徒會在這天紀念他的誕生、證悟與涅槃。

Saga Dawa is the fourth Tibetan lunar month. Saga means "million"; Dawa means "moon", the 'million multiplier' month is what it denotes. For all our activities, positive or negative, in each and everyday of this sacred month will be multiplied by a million times.


From the ancient time till today, particularly in places like Tibet and India, during Saga Dawa, people flock to monasteries and holy places, performing prostrations, reciting mantras, reading Sutras, turning their prayer wheels, keeping strict precepts, observing vegetarian rules, offering, practicing generosity and engaging in all virtues. It is also a festival of light, where butter lamps abound. Buddhist monasteries across the globe, particularly those of Vajrayana tradition are performing a month long grand pujas and prayers.


Thus, this is also a great month for practice! Multipliers urge and encourage us to focus in our practice. Saga Dawa is a meaningful time to reaffirm our motivation and to strengthen our intention through sharpens awareness and diligent practice.


~ Choegon Rinpoche 確袞仁波切


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