當代108藏密大師簡介:Arik Rinpoche 阿瑞仁波切
Arik Rinpoche photo courtesy of Matthew Pistono
Arik Rinpoche
Arik Rinpoche of Tromgé (Wyl. khrom dge a rig rin po che) aka Rigdzin Wangshu (c.1908-1988) — a disciple of Khenpo Ngawang Palzang and one of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche's teachers. He was also the root guru of Akhyuk Rinpoche. When Arik Rinpoche passed away rainbows manifested and five-coloured relics appeared among his physical remains.
~中譯:Diana 於2012.09.17
~一校:Yuan 於2012.11.13
(抱歉因英文原址重複分類以致中譯也重複分配,另一組翻譯的網址為http://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/142808887 )