
當代108藏密大師簡介:Bairo Rinpoche 毘盧仁波切

Bairo Rinpoche courtesy of




Bairo Rinpoche


Zhichen Bairo Rinpoche (Wyl. gzhi chen bai ro rin po che), Jamyang Tenpé Gyaltsen, the third Zhichen Bairochana, was recognized by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö as the thirty-sixth incarnation of the lotsawa Vairotsana. He is an important holder of the Katok lineage. His main seat is Zhichen Kharmar Sangag Tangye Ling in Golok, one of the major branches of Katok Dorje Den Monastery in eastern Tibet. Zhichen has its own group of over twenty branch monasteries throughout the region.


錫欽.毘盧仁波切,蔣揚.天培.嘉辰,即第三世錫欽・毘盧遮那,由蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓(Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö認證為毗盧遮那大譯師lotsawa Vairotsana第三十六世的化現。他是噶陀傳承(Katok lineage的重要持有者。他的主座在果洛州的錫欽卡瑪密法教義林(Zhichen Kharmar Sangag Tangye Ling),為噶陀寺(亦稱噶陀金剛座Katok Dorje Den Monastery)位於東藏的主要分院之一。錫欽體系有二十多所分院遍佈在


Bairo Rinpoche received the Nyingtik Yabshyi and other cycles of the secret Nyingtik teachings from Khenpo Ngawang Palzang[1]. He also received teachings from Tuksé Nyidha Zangpo, Tulku Kunzang Nyima, Katok Khenpo Sherab, Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, Katok Getse Gyurme Tenpa Namgyal, Chaktsa Rinpoche Pema Trinlé Gyatso, Rakor Khenpo Drimé Özer of Getse, Katok Khenpo Gyaltsen Özer, Katok Situ Shedrup Chökyi Nyima, Minling Chung Rinpoche, Minling Khen Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche and Lodrak Namkhai Nyingpo.


毘盧仁波切自堪布拿旺貝桑Khenpo Ngawang Palzang)那裡領受了四部心髓(Nyingtik Yabshyi)和其他的秘密心髓(Nyingtik)的教法。他也杜塞.尼大.桑波(Tuksé Nyidha Zangpo)、祖古坤桑.尼瑪(Tulku Kunzang Nyima)、噶陀堪布喜饒(Katok Khenpo Sherab、蔣揚.欽哲.確吉.羅卓(Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö、噶陀.給切.居美.天巴.南佳(Katok Getse Gyurme Tenpa Namgyal )、恰察仁波切白瑪.崔列.加措(Chaktsa Rinpoche Pema Trinlé Gyatso)、給切(Getse的日構堪布止美.歐瑟(Rakor Khenpo Drimé Özer)、噶陀堪布嘉辰.歐瑟、噶陀錫度.謝竹.確吉.尼瑪(Katok Situ Shedrup Chökyi Nyima、敏林芎仁波切(Minling Chung Rinpoche、敏林堪仁波切(Minling Khen Rinpoche、敦珠仁波切(Dudjom Rinpoche)和洛乍.南卡.寧波(Lodrak Namkhai Nyingpo 領受教法


Bairo Rinpoche teaches for one month every year at his new seat, Zhichen Bairo Ling, in Kathmandu. During the recent resurgence of the teachings in Tibet, Bairo Rinpoche has been working closely with Zhichen Ontrul Rinpoche, a student of Tulku Tsullo[2]. Zhichen Monastery in Tibet is currently being rebuilt under the direction of Bairo Rinpoche’s son, the Twelfth Gyalwang Drukpa.




中譯:Diana 2012.10.11

一校:yuan 2012.11.13






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