10月29日~11月7日於印度的菩提迦耶舉行《普賢行願品》 法會+3天『大薈供』。
2012年11月17日~2013年1月31日於北印宗薩佛學院 進行2個半月的第一世蔣貢康楚仁波切寫的五大藏(五寶藏)之《 教誡藏》,或翻做《竅訣藏》教學,中文翻譯是『確尊法師( 張惠娟)』。
「廣大教誡藏」依『蔣揚欽哲旺波大師』的說明:「 此一巨藏含藏了經續如實、遍攝的義諦, 以及佛陀教法的舊譯與新譯。共計十卷另加三卷──將零散的教法匯 集,依適切的順序編纂成冊。這就好比啟開了帝王寶藏之門。」 蔣揚欽哲旺波為此一巨藏提綱契領,共計十五要項。
當中包含了:釋迦牟尼佛禮讚文、八大菩薩禮讚文、聖度母禮讚文、 噶瑪巴禮讚文、第八世大司徒仁波切確吉炯內禮讚文…。
當中包含了:第十四世噶瑪巴之上師相應法、 瑪爾巴尊者上師相應法、密勒日巴尊者上師相應法、寧體(心髓)之 上師相應法、一切傳承上師具體化現之上師相應法…。
當中包含了:司徒貝瑪寧傑祈請文、蓮華生大士祈請文、 薩迦師利祈請文、三根本祈請文…。
當中包含了:白文殊、紅文殊、聖度母、八大菩薩、十六阿羅漢、 長壽本尊、普巴金剛、時輪…等之儀軌。
當中包含了:修心七要、施身法、觀音修法、靜忿百尊、 香巴傳承四本尊、大圓滿之寧體(心髓)母子、大手印之了義炬…等 教授。
當中包含了:第十五世噶瑪巴卡恰多傑提問、 第一世蔣貢康楚仁波切答問之「尊耳甘露」。
當中包含了:給予哈汪紮西、喇嘛噶瑪仁千、 伏藏師及其他人之忠告。
○9無邊梵文海藏:指示如何編纂、命名文法書籍、論典和八邦經籍 …之總匯。
當中包含了: 三十九頁的供養書信撰寫指南與四十二頁的官方書信撰寫指南, 後者包含了用於官方書信的各類致詞與習慣用語…。
當中包含了:大昭寺之內容物七十一頁、香巴法教之目錄、 察達寺之內容物、各傳承之簡史、蔣揚欽哲旺波傳一百一十八頁、 蔣貢康楚自傳二百一十頁…。
當中包含了:藥師佛的利益、婚禮與延壽等相關的儀式、星相占卜、 標記日月蝕、風水…。
當中包含了:對一切具三昧耶關係與杜梭瑪(馬爾巴尊者之護法神) 等之供養、對賈村(屬寧瑪巴)傳承護法所修之煙供、 對山中神祗所作之吉祥供雲、對山中神祗所施之灑淨…。
當中包含了:命理根本要籍一百七十五頁、同義詞庫( 來自印度的文法書)十二頁、梵藏辭典一百三十頁、醫方精要( 極重要的藥典之一)七十九頁、見地決義…。
○15無邊如意滿願吉祥海藏:迴向文、福德文、吉祥文之總匯。( 智慧林確傑喇嘛噶瑪彭措講示/取材自化育資訊網)
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/cz- yamola/article?mid=3890&prev= 3891&l=a&fid=19
http://www.siddharthasintent. org/2012/01/dam-ngak-dzo.html
Dam Ngak Dzo, Treasury of Pith Instructions
Dzongsar Institute, Chauntra,
Himachal Pradesh, India
17 November 2012 - 27 January 2013
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche will bestow the Dam Ngak Dzo, Treasury of
Pith Instructions,
the first of five treasuries compiled and structured by Jamgon
Kongtrul Lodro Thaye in the
The Dam Ngak Dzo contains the most important teachings of the eight
main practicing
lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. In order to maintain the vitality of
these lineages Jamgon
Kongtrul collected the most important of their pith instructions in
this Treasury.
These eight teachings are Kadampa teachings, Lamdre (the path with its
result) teachings,
Marpa Kagyu teachings, Shangpa Kagyu teachings, Shije (pacification)
and its branch of
Chod teachings, Six Branch Vajrayoga teachings (Jordruk), Three
Indestructible Realities,
Service and Attainment (Dorje Sumgyi Nyendrub) and other minor
teachings, and Dzogchen
teachings. Each set of teachings is complete within itself.
Although the Nyingma teachings comes first in the volumes, when Jamgon
Kongtrul and
Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro passed on these teachings they started
with the Kadampa
teachings since these lay the foundation of Bodhicitta and gave the
Dzogchen teachings of
the Nyingmapa as the last part. Khyentse Rinpoche will follow this
tradition. In the spirit
of Rime, the Dam Ngak Dzo is about authentic teachings that are
practiced; it is not about
religious sects.
Useful information on Dam Ngak Dzo can be found on the Tsadra
Foundation - Dam Ngak
Dzo website. This link takes you directly to Ringu Tulku's contents of
the Dam Ngak Dzo
teaching. The book 'Rime Philosophy of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great'
translated by Venerable
Ringu Tulku, and the book 'Jamgon Kongtrul - Treasury of Knowledge -
Esoteric Instructions'
translated and annotated by Sarah Harding, a member of the Kalu
Rinpoche Translation
Group and a fellow with the Tsadra Foundation, are two other excellent
The Dam Ngak Dzo transmission is open to everyone. There will be
simultaneous English
translation, and possibly Chinese translation also. Bring an FM radio
to receive the
Registration is not required to attend the teachings, however a permit
(PAP) to enter
Chauntra, a restricted area, is required by all foreigners holding a
tourist visa. Foreigners
holding medical, student, entry and business visas are not required to
get the PAP permit
although you must carry your passport with you at all times as it may
be checked. More
details about the process of applying for a Protected Area Permit will
be available soon.