懷念 琴恩 史密斯 (Gene Smith)
~~ 以下記錄片拍攝計畫與欽哲基金會並無關係,僅提供仁波切的話語來作為讚嘆之意~~
A Documentary project in Philadelphia, PA by Dafna Yachin·
http://www.kickstarter.com/ projects/602060953/digital- dharma
How sad and disappointing it is that this project can't get the funding it needs and truly deserves. Please help if you can.
有關『Gene Smith一生的紀錄片Digital Dharma』在籌拍中,但由於經費不足可能腰斬。
只剩五天,還需要美金16500元左右。請一起解囊,幫助這位影 片的誕生。
沒有Gene Smith,可能就沒有今日我們所坐擁的寶藏。
您可以先刷卡,若這案子真的通過,才須付款。請一起來幫助 這麼棒的影片問世。
Help share the E. Gene Smith story of saving Tibetan text with the world! Only 5 days left to reach out Kickstarter Campaign for finishing funds for the Documentary. Kickstarter is an ALL-OR-NOTHING proposition - if we go not reach our goal, we will lose the thousands we have already raised. Help us cross the finish line and be a part of filmmaking history.
Digital Dharma is doing a film to share the E. Gene Smith story of saving Tibetan text with the world!Only 5 days left to reach out Kickstarter Campaign for finishing funds for the Documentary. Help Digital Dharma cross the finish line and be a part of filmmaking history.
About the Film
Digital Dharma uncovers E. Gene Smith's 50-year journey with renowned scholars, lamas and laypeople as they struggle to find, preserve and digitize more than 20,000 volumes of ancient Tibetan text. Crossing multiple borders – geographic, political and philosophical – Digital Dharma is an epic story of a cultural rescue and how one man’s mission became the catalyst for an international movement to provide free access to the story of a people