
董瑟聽列諾布仁波切圓寂及其囑咐 / Lama Tharchin Rinpoche on Thinley Norbu
Rinpoche's Passing

~ 感恩法友Bella為大眾翻譯仁波切的開示!

~ 昨日得知此消息後不敢直接公告,先請教了第一發布者之後,確認是由佛母告知可通知大眾,這才寫了昨晚FB那些感傷的話;今天看了此文,知道是該努力修法的時候... 無悲無喜,應該才是行者的態度吧 ...可是我當然還做不到;所以一邊難過自己的不精進,一邊趕快加油做完手邊的俗事,以便修法!

~ 依照敦珠法王傳中立傳者所言,大師圓寂之時因肉身限制不再而有更大加持,此時一切修持祈請都將更加相應... 理當不應悲傷,尚且修法迴向~~ 其實是我們需要上師的加持,不是上師需要我們的迴向... 大家一起努力吧!

鏈結網址: http://bellachao.wordpress. com/2011/12/28/thinley_norbu_ rinpoche/
已發表: 十二月 28, 2011 at 12:12 下午
作者: bella.chao
標籤: dharma, 金剛乘, vajrayana, 佛法
分類: Buddhism 佛缘, 法訊 Dharma Events

http://bellachao.files. norbu-rinpoche.jpg&h=199


我們的怙主董瑟·聽列·諾布仁波切昨晚入滅圓寂。 仁波切寫下一信息給我們所有人,要求每個人修三週的金剛薩埵法。 這是仁波切留給我們的最後金剛語

若是你能夠加入所在地區的僧團和喇嘛一起修法,就請這麽做。 若有可能,請加入我們貝瑪·沃瑟·林的僧團修《多森·喇嘛· 秋巴》,或是在昆桑·嘎嚓,或是你當地的僧團。 若你無法參加或是沒有當地僧團,可以修任何一種形式的金剛薩埵, 只要是包括前行和百字明的儀軌都可以。 禪修我們的怙主董瑟仁波切與金剛薩埵的形相無有分別。 如此作禪修、受灌,並領受加持,然後在金剛薩埵融入你的時候, 你變得與金剛薩埵無二無別,以此方式安住於無相禪定中, 自心與怙主董瑟仁波切的智心相融無別。

這是我們領會怙主董瑟仁波切智心的最佳方式, 即使仁波切並未親身現前,這會與我們無別相伴, 直至我們獲得證悟為止。以此方式領受仁波切的加持,至關重要。 尤其是現在,仁波切的智心已從肉體元素中顯露,與浩瀚法身相融, 此時獲得仁波切的加持甚至比仁波切在世時更具力量。 仁波切的智心與一切相融,周遍一切。

請每天修持金剛薩埵, 這是領受怙主董瑟仁波切加持之非常特殊的機會。

不要認為仁波切需要我們幫忙修法,不要有那樣的觀念。 這是我們的修持,以使得自己能夠獲得仁波切的加持, 領會仁波切的智心,並且以仁波切的智心封印自心。 這才是我們以信心和虔心修法的目的。

( html) 。 Bella Chao翻譯。

Below is a message from Lama Tharchin Rinpoche to our sangha:

Our lord protector His Holiness Kyabje Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche
passed into parinirvana last night. Rinpoche wrote down a message for
all of us, asking that everyone do Vajrasattva practice for three
weeks. These were Rinpoche’s last vajra words for us.

If you are able to join with sangha and do practice in your area with
a lama, please do that. If possible, please join with our sangha at
Pema Osel Ling to do the Dorsem Lama Chopa, at Kunzang Gatshal, or
with your local sangha. If you are not able to do that or if there is
no local sangha, it is fine to do any form of Vajrasattva practice
according to any sadhana including Ngondro and the Hundred Syllable
Mantra. Meditate that our lord protector Dungse Rinpoche is
inseparable with Vajrasattva’s form. Meditating this way, take
empowerment and receive blessings. Then as Vajrasattva dissolves into
you, you become inseparable with Vajrasattva. Rest in formless
meditation in this way, with your mind and Kyabje Dungse Rinpoche’s
wisdom mind inseparable.

This is the best way for us to get a taste of Kyabje Dungse Rinpoche’s
wisdom mind, even though Rinpoche is not physically present. This
stays with us inseparably until we reach enlightenment. Receiving
Rinpoche’s blessings in this way is most essential. Now in particular,
after Rinpoche’s wisdom mind has been uncovered from the physical
elements and has merged with the vast dharmakaya, receiving Rinpoche’s
blessings is more powerful even than when Rinpoche is alive.
Rinpoche’s wisdom mind merges and pervades everywhere.

Please do Vajrasattva practice every day. This is a very special
opportunity to receive Kyabje Dungse Rinpoche’s blessings.

Do not think that Rinpoche needs our help with puja. Don’t have that
concept. This is our practice so that we can receive Rinpoche’s
blessings and have a taste of Rinpoche’s wisdom mind and how to seal
Rinpoche’s wisdom mind with our mind. That is the purpose for us to do
puja with faith and devotion.

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