
1. 一共有三段,請先聽完寫下你的繕寫之後再對答案喔!

A Story about Atisha: “You Should Practice the Dharma” from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Ngondro, CD1, track 10  要從網頁找到向右的箭頭點下才能聆聽喔~ 答案就在前一篇PO文裡面~


A Story about Patrul Rinpoche and Nyoshul Lungtog (Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Ngondro, CD2, trk 2) 要從網頁找到向右的箭頭點下才能聆聽喔~


The Buddha Before He Was Buddha, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, The Way of the Bodhisattva, Vol. I, CD5, Track 5 要從網頁找到向右的箭頭點下才能聆聽喔~



2. 還有幾段沒有繕寫,等你寫下來喔!

Manjushri and the Monk, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, The Way of the Bodhisattva, Vol. I, CD1, Track 7 


“This is the unique path of the bodhisattva—sacrificing the sacrificer.” Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, The Way of the Bodhisattva (Brazil), Vol. III, CD6, track 9 

“The goal for bodhisattvas is to make a person enlightened which means the same thing as the understanding of emptiness.” Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, The Way of the Bodhisattva (Brazil), Vol. IV, CD12, track 9 

~~ 兩段的答案在下面喔 ~~

Stories from the Buddhist Tradition, The Buddha Before He Was Buddha (Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche)

The Buddha Before He Was Buddha, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, The Way of the Bodhisattva, Vol. I, CD5, Track 5 

When our Buddha, Shakyamuni, before he became the Buddha; when he was not even a bodhisattva, he was a completely ordinary being. This was many, many aeons before.

He met—I am not so sure, there are a thousand Buddhas so I am mixing this up a little bit, but part of the story I am quite sure—I think it was Dipamkara, the first Buddha.  He wanted to take the bodhisattva vow and when he approached Dipamkara and asked to take the bodhisattva vow, Dipamkara said, “You have to give me something.  You have to perform something to accumulate merit.”

Shakyamuni was so poor that he didn’t even have clothes to wear; so he didn’t have anything to offer. But Dipamkara was a potter, he made pots.  So when Shakyamuni (I think he was the one) when he took the bodhisattva vow for the first time, he offered a service of kneading clay and based on that merit he planted the bodhichitta.

Stories from the Buddhist Tradition, A Story about Patrul Rinpoche and Nyoshul Lungtog (Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche)

(A variation on a classic story from Patrul Rinpoche’s, The Words of My Perfect Teacher)

Nyoshul Lungtog complained to Patrul Rinpoche saying, “What’s the nature of the mind? I don’t understand this.”

Patrul Rinpoche said, “Oh, that’s easy. Come with me. At night.”

Near Dzongchen monastery, there’s a big field and they went there. And Patrul Rinpoche said, “Ok, let’s lie down on our backs and look at the sky.” Lungtog Nyoshul did.

Then, Patrul Rinpoche said, “Can you see the stars?”

And Lungtog Nyoshul said, “Yes.”

Patrul Rinpoche asked, “Can you hear the dogs barking?”

Nyoshul Lungtog said, “Yes.”

And then, Patrul Rinpoche said, “Ok, that’s it. That’s the nature of the mind.” And Patrul Rinpoche just left.

For Nyoshul Lungtong, from then on, a big shift happened in his life. A shift. Especially, for the next seven days, there was a big, strong shift.

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