
1. 正見網站微博: zhengjianwangzhan


@正見網站#pawo攝影作品# 以下圖片中是宗薩欽哲仁波切和秋吉林巴仁波切分別手捧著這尊蓮花 生大士用泥土親手捏成的蓮花生佛像,這尊佛像又稱為: 咕如德瓦千波像, 秋吉林巴在蔣楊欽哲旺波的指引下把這尊佛像伏藏出來。 當他回到宗薩寺並將這個伏藏品供養給蔣楊欽哲旺波時, 欽哲旺波稱讚秋吉林巴是伏藏師之王http://ww3. 82474a79jw1dmrr0j7ae5j.jpg


@正見網站#pawo攝影作品# 仁波切說:蓮花生大師回答穆尼贊普你永遠都不會無依無靠, 每當你念誦經文的時候那便是上師的語;每當你禪修空性的時候, 那便是上師的意; 然後蓮花生大師抓起一把泥土捏成一尊蓮花生佛像交給穆尼贊普, 告訴他這便是上師的身”...


@正見網站宗薩仁波切手捧的珍貴蓮花生佛像(又稱: 咕如德瓦千波佛像)的故事 #pawo的攝影作品# pawo說: 當年蓮花生大師將離開西藏區去往銅色吉祥山時赤松德贊王的兒子穆 尼贊普懇請上師留在西藏。他說:所有偉大的上師都圓寂了, 包括他的父親赤松德贊王。如果沒有蓮花生大師, 他將像孤兒般活在世上... 82474a79jw1dmrqoc1bljj.jpg

2.《普賢上師言教》http://www.bigcat185. net/viewthread.php?tid=3390


Slides of Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lödrö Institute p75/v_MTEyNjk2MDMy.html


Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lödrö Institute, Chauntra, Himachal Pradesh, India(宗薩欽哲確吉羅卓佛學院.印度.喜瑪恰省.炯達拉) : dzongsar-khyentse-chokyi- lodro-institute-chauntra- himachal-pradesh


札西拉姆多多 dorophy101將今年六月在印度比爾期間拍到的宗薩佛學 院的照片,製作成了幻燈片,分享於此。願所有發心前往的同學, 皆能滿願,吉祥!印度比爾宗薩佛學院:http://www.

3. 於堪布阿貝仁波切荼毘大典
DJKN @ Cremation Ceremony for Khenchen Appey Rinpoche

4. 於堪布阿貝仁波切荼毘大典時與祿頂堪仁波切等共同受訪
Interviews with Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche,
Ratna Vajra Rinpoche etc., on their memories of Appey Rinpoche, during
the cremation ceremony in early 2011. v=whZmz5LrL4w

5. Adarsha Photography php?fbid=174211982669997&set= a.146625842095278.33696. 145721332185729&type=1&theater


Beautiful evening lights coming through the windows of the main temple of Dzongsar in Deothang. The shrine master walking around with his sang tin seems to add to the light.


As you can see the temple is still under construction. Hoping to be all done in the next 2 years. Rinpoche has ordered stone statues from Orissa which is set to be installed in the coming winter months. The main Buddha statue weighs over 9 tons

6. Advice from the Assassin by DJKN

Image large/5d97d49cjw1dmu3562b78j. jpg的戰士 com/zgycp

7. 2011 INEB Arts Gathering & Conference



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