

The Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava
語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789866409264



Stories of Mandarava 曼達拉娃本生傳
Foreword for Chinese Translation

by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche宗薩欽哲仁波切


Even though men and women have lived together for tens of thousands of years, we still struggle to find genuine equality between the sexes. It’s curious and surprising to see that, in our modern world, we are unable to respect and value all human beings, regardless of their gender. Theoretically, many agree that equality between the sexes is desirable, but practically and personally, we are nowhere.


Even amongst Buddhists, female practitioners have tended to face more difficulties and hardships than their male counterparts. And far from celebrating those who attain higher levels of realization, great women practitioners have often been overlooked and forgotten.


Perhaps we have made so little progress because to do so would require a level of liberation we have yet to realize. Without it, to free every level of society from the self-perpetuating bondage that ties men into despising women and women into demonizing men will be extremely difficult.


Mandarava was a truly extraordinary woman and devoted student of Guru Rinpoche. Born into a royal family, she was drawn to spiritual practice from an early age. But her father, the King of Zahor, was determined to force her into marriage. So she ran away to join a nunnery, where she met Guru Rinpoche and became his Indian consort. The King was livid. He had her thrown into a pit of thorns and, famously tried and failed to burn Guru Rinpoche alive. Instead, the lake at Tso Pema in northern India was created, which pilgrims still visit to this day.  

曼達拉娃是個真正卓越超凡的女性,她是蓮花生大士的虔誠弟子。她生於皇族,自幼便一心只想修行。然而父親沙霍國王卻決意迫使其出嫁。因此她逃離皇宮而進入尼院,並於該處遇見蓮師且成為其在印度的佛母。國王十分震怒。他將曼達拉娃丟入滿是荊棘的地洞,並極力想要活活燒死蓮師卻未果。反而因此創造了位於北印度的措貝瑪(Tso Pema)之湖,此處至今仍是朝聖之地。


This and many other stories from the Lives and Liberation of Mandarava, a terma text hidden by Yeshe Tsogyal for the benefit of future generations, chart the many tribulations she faced throughout numerous lifetimes in her quest for enlightenment, and may well provide the inspiration and guiding light necessary to encourage contemporary men and women find a way of releasing themselves from their self-imposed bonds of sexual inequality.



Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Bir, 9 October 2011




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