



 ~ 吉噶康楚仁波切

Understanding suffering and karma gives way to compassion. How? Compassion comes from seeing pain and suffering in samsara, sentient beings and oneself. If we see pain in others and not ourselves there will be no compassion. If we see it merely in ourselves or even in ourselves and others but without an understanding of how karma and suffering arises, there will be no genuine compassion. We need to see how karma is created by the mind. If we don’t see that the mind creates karma due to ignorance then we can’t feel the depth of samsara. If we can’t feel the depth of samsara then compassion will not arise. A revolution of the mind must take place.

~ Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche


~ 出處:

~ 普賢法譯小組Elsa翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切眾生具足樂及樂因,脫離苦及苦因!


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