

Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen 昆努喇嘛滇津.蔣稱

Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen

Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen (Wyl. khu nu bla ma bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan) (1895-1977) — a teacher of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, especially for the Bodhicharyavatara, for which he held Patrul Rinpoche’s lineage, having received it from one of the great khenpos at Dzogchen monastery.


Khunu Lama was born in 1895 in a small village called Sumnam in the Kinnaur Valley in modern day Himachal Pradesh. His father's family was Nyingma and his mother's was Drukpa Kagyü. As a young boy he was sent to his mother's family, where he began his studies under his maternal uncle, Rasvir Das. He went on to study with Sonam Gyaltsen, a student of Tokden Shakya Shri.
昆努喇嘛在1895年出生於今日印度喜馬偕爾邦金瑙爾山谷一個名為松南的小村落。父親的家族屬於寧瑪派,母親的家族則屬於竹巴噶舉。年幼時即被送至母親的娘家,開始從學於舅舅拉斯弗.達斯(Rasvir Das)。之後則從學於夏迦師利大瑜伽士的弟子索南.嘉參(Sonam Gyaltsen)。

In 1913, he went to Gangtok, where he met the great literary scholar and grammarian Orgyen Tendzin Rinpoche (1863-1936), who had travelled in Tibet and spent time at Tsurpu Monastery. Khunu Lama spent three years studying Sanskrit grammar with Orgyen Tendzin in Rumtek. He then went to Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, where he continues his studies of grammar and poetry and also began his serious study of buddhist philosophy. After three years there, he went to Lhasa where he studied further and also taught literary sciences at the famous Medical and Astrological centre and was a tutor to several noble families. At Drikung Til, he studied with the accomplished Drikung master Drubwang Amgön Rinpoche. He also studied Mahamudra at a Drukpa Kagyü centre called Khamda, and he studied at the three main Gelugpa monasteries of DrepungSera and Ganden.
他在1913年前往錫金甘托克,遇見曾經廣遊西藏且待在楚布寺一段時間的大文學者與文法家烏金.丹增仁波切(Orgyen Tendzin Rinpoche,1863-1936)。昆努喇嘛在隆德寺向烏金.丹增仁波切學習梵文文法三年,接著到日喀則的扎什倫布寺繼續研修文法與詩詞,並開始嚴密學習佛法哲理。他在那裡三年後,接著到拉薩進一步修習,並在著名的「藏醫曆算學院」教授「聲明」(五明之一),且為不少貴族擔任家教。在直貢梯寺,他跟著直貢大成就者竹旺.安貢仁波切學習。他也在竹巴噶舉的康達中心修習大手印,並就學於格魯派的三大佛學院-哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺。

At the request of the Sixth Panchen Lama, Chökyi Nyima (1883-1937), he returned to Tashilhunpo and taught there at the school for prospective civil servants. It was there that he met Katok Situ Chökyi Gyatso, who was on pilgrimage in Central Tibet.

In the early 1920s, Khunu Lama travelled to Kham, where he stayed for approximately fourteen years. During this time he studied with Katok Situ Chökyi GyatsoJamyang Khyentse Chökyi LodröKhenpo ShengaMinyak Kunzang SönamKhenpo KunpalKhenpo Jamyang Gyaltsen, and many other masters from all schools. He also taught Sanskrit to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and Dezhung Rinpoche.

Sogyal Rinpoche writes: 索甲仁波切寫道:

Eventually he did return to India, where he lived as a true ascetic. When my master and I came to India on pilgrimage after leaving Tibet, we searched for him everywhere in Benares. Finally we found him staying in a Hindu temple. No one knew who he was, or even that he was a Buddhist, let alone that he was a master. They knew him as a gentle, saintly yogin, and they offered him food. Whenever I think of him, I always say to myself, "This is what St. Francis of Assisi must have been like."



  • The Jewel Lamp: A Praise of Bodhichitta (Wyl. byang chub sems kyi bstod pa rin chen sgron ma) (translated as Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea see below)


Further Reading延伸閱讀[編輯]


In English[編輯]

  • Annabella Pitkin, 'Cosmopolitanism in the Himalayas: the intellectual and spiritual journeys of Khu nu bLa ma sTan [sic] 'dzin rgyal mtshan and his Sikkimese teacher, Khang gsar ba bLa ma O rgyan bstan 'dzin Rin po che' in Bulletin of Tibetology, 2004 (November), Vol. 40 No.2
  • Khunu Rinpoche, Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea: Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta, Wisdom Pub., 1999.
  • Sogyal RinpocheThe Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, pages 113-114.
  • Nyoshul KhenpoA Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage, trans. Richard Barron (Junction City: Padma Publishing, 2005), pp.506-507.

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