
【八萬四千 • 佛典傳譯】發布新動畫宣傳片,以倡導保護佛教文本

~ 敬請觀賞影片並在影片上按讚分享哦!(詳看內文)

宗薩欽哲仁波切為祝賀【八萬四千 • 佛典傳譯】成立十週年,特別錄製新譯經文《文殊師利遊戲經》之開示。願佛法甘露潤澤一切眾生,文殊利劍斬斷紛飛妄執。(以上轉貼自中文網頁)

For English readers:…/a.20386486632…/3114363955274009/…
TEACHING | 3:30pm SG | Commemorating the anniversary of Buddha’s birth - and our 10th year translating his words into modern languages - our Founding Chair, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, teaches one of our recently published sūtras, “The Miraculous Play of Manjusri"

This teaching also launches our new video - voiced by award-winning British actress Joanna Lumley!

Stay tuned in 1.5 hours' time to help us spread awareness about the urgency of our work. We all know the world could use a little more wisdom.

Let’s get this video 10,000 shares over this special Saga Dawa weekend!

#SaveWisdomNow #84000turns10

轉發 ~ 親愛的朋友們,




35,535 次觀看
Khyentse Foundation 的直播影片。

Update on the Global Heart Sutra Recitation | The link to join in the recitation is (念誦連結)

The Heart Sutra text can be found at…

Happy Saga Dawa Düchen! We look forward to welcoming you online.

#dzongsarkhyentserinpoche #buddhashakyamuni #sagadawa #heartsutra #buddhistpractice #sutrachanting #sutrafortheearth

Siddhartha's Intent Global

Saga Dawa Düchen Heart Sutra Recitation Invite | Khyentse Foundation and Siddhartha’s Intent invite you to commemorate the life of Buddha Shakyamuni on Saga Dawa Düchen, the magnificent day of his birth, enlightenment and parinirvana. We will host a global chanting of the Heart Sutra on Zoom/YouTube, starting Friday 5 June at 12:00am New Zealand Time. The chanting will begin every hour on the hour with a video from Rinpoche for a full 24 hours. Please join with the global sangha to chant together on this special, meritorious day.

We’re gathering together to practice with the intention of pacifying the turmoil of the world at this time. Rinpoche invites you all to join this event, saying, “May we invoke love, kindness, and healing, and open our hearts for the earth.”

Zoom and/or YouTube link and other logistics coming very soon.

2020薩嘎達瓦《心經》唸誦活動邀請 | 欽哲基金會和悉達多本願會敬邀您在這個殊勝的薩嘎達瓦——佛陀出生、證悟及涅槃的日子——一起憶念釋迦摩尼佛。我們將會通過Zoom安排一個全球範圍的《心經》唸誦活動。活動將會在全球最東方的紐西蘭當地時間6月5日零時零分開始,我們將會播出仁波切特別製作的《心經》唸誦影片,大家可以用自己的語言一起參與唸誦。之後23小時的每個小時的零分都會重新播放影片供大家參與唸誦,24小時不間斷。特邀全球的朋友一起參與,積累福德。



#dzongsarkhyentserinpoche #buddhashakyamuni #sagadawa #heartsutra #buddhistpractice #sutrachanting #sutrafortheearth


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