How to Meditate by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~ 本論:米滂仁波切《觀住輪番淨心法》~
To begin, we visualize in the space above our head Lord Buddha Shakyamuni radiating infinite light in all directions. Then we generate a strong, fervent devotion, supplicating:
May you bless me so that I will be able to recognize the impure nature of ordinary phenomena, that they are permeated with suffering, impermanent and devoid of any kind of “self.”
Then we visualize rays of different colors emanating from the Buddha, blessing our minds so that such an understanding may take birth in our being.
Imagine someone who stirs in you intense attachment, And consider them now present vividly before you.
For the actual investigation, we select the object for which we feel the strongest attachment, whether it is a person or any valuable or precious object to which we cling.
Separate this person into five component skandhas, And begin by investigating the physical body.
Let’s now examine this object. If we begin by examining a human body to which we are attached, we acknowledge that it is made up of five aggregates (skandhas): form, feeling, discrimination, impulse, and consciousness.
(From The "Collected Works of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche", © 2010)
~ * 譯註:原頌「尤為引生貪心境,以意明觀於目前。彼者可分為五蘊,首觀色身諸相狀」。全篇中譯:https://www.lama.com.tw/content/edu/data.aspx?id=2308
~ 摘譯自頂果欽哲法王講述米滂仁波切《觀住輪番淨心法》(The Wheel of Investigation and Meditation That Thoroughly Purifies Mental Activity) 的開示,閱讀全篇英文 full text in English http://buddhabookclub.weebly.com/uploads/4/2/6/4/4264863/investigationofthemind.pdf
~ 其他參考資料:https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/142811653
~ 普賢法譯小組 Jean & Serena 翻譯 & 校對,願善妙增長、災禍平息,一切皆吉祥!