

Phakchok Rinpoche 帕秋仁波切
Bring Diversity to traditional Buddhist texts 讓傳統佛教經典多元化

Q: Do you think it’s important to adopt new commentaries to address some cultural like people like about woman or like gay people?

Rinpoche: Definitely. It’s like this. Our, in Buddha’s teaching it has variety, Buddha’s teaching is not one. And I told you, we have a saying Buddha told different variety 84,000 methods that you can tame emotions, why Buddha told 84,000? Because we have different 84,000 of emotions to tame, so that’s why that’s the answer you can have. Buddha’s teaching is variety, but sometimes you can say, some commentaries they say about female and female and female a lot, some commentaries actually like way of bodhisattva, for example, you know, they talked about female and female bad quality, because majority practitioners are men.
絕對是,就像這樣,佛陀的教法具有多樣性,而非單一,就像我講過的,我們說佛陀宣說八萬四千種調伏煩惱的不同法門,為什麼佛陀要傳授八萬四千種法門呢? 因為我們有八萬四千種煩惱要調伏,因而這就是答案。佛陀的教法是多樣化的,但有時候你會說,某些論釋講到女性如何如何,有些像是《入菩薩行論》便講到女性的不善功德,那是因為[那時]多數的修行者是男性。

I told them, say that female practitioner are there, and they should put “male” the word, or “some female like female”, then they can keep that way, “some male like male”, put the male there, so it depends actually talking about where you get the desire, you should think about this desire has the quality, not because want to put woman down, you know, so that’s why it has a point behind "the Way of Bodhisattvas". So they talk about how you can put desire down, you should practice to that level, so definitely I am going to say is that the example of "the Way of Bodhisattvas" I don’t think need to change the word but teacher should say what I taught, because actually what I taught is what he means in "the Way of Bodhisattvas", not I am creating new word actually, so like that.

~ 影片文字出處:…/a.76157804400…/1124271007739822/…

~ 普賢法譯小組 Emilia, Raye, Hueymei 翻譯、聽打和校對,Serena 完稿於2018.12.7,感恩佛陀教法的多樣性和當代上師的適時講述!



~ 摘錄自密勒日巴尊者的「雪山之歌」
~ 「密勒日巴」影片結語

~ 文字來源


When embraced with the mind of enlightenment, all five poisonous destructive emotions support Dharma practice.

~ 烏金督佳仁波切:令人開心的理由 ~ 菩提心的利益 (9~15段)

~ 文字出處:

Photo by Ugur Akdemir on Unsplash



To say the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva one hundred and eight times without interruption will undoubtedly purify all your evil actions and obscurations.

The buddhas of past, present and future will look on the yogi who recites the hundred-syllable mantra daily as their most excellent child.

~ 烏金督佳仁波切:令人開心的理由 ~ 皈依發心和金剛薩埵 (16~24段)

~ 文字出處:




Ask yourself what is more important

When starting out on the inner path you need a great amount of courage to go in a different direction from this modern world's materialistic culture, particularly if all your family and friends are immersed in it. But ask yourself what is more important: The duration of this one short life, or the infinite continuum of mind?

_Chamtrul Rinpoche


/普賢法譯小組 Sophia, Sammie & Ruyu 翻譯校對


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