


A little bit of salt can make a small amount of water taste salty, but can not change a huge river like the Ganges. In the same way, even a small negative action can harm someone whose positive actions are weak, but can not harm someone who has frequently performed immensely positive actions vast in scope. Therefore, we should try to perform powerful positive actions repeatedly on a vast scale.
~ Kangyur Rinpoche


~ 普賢法譯小組 Hueymei & Serena翻譯校對,願一切善妙吉祥!


~ 甘珠爾仁波切

The fleeting pleasures of this world are like the canopies of clouds that appear one moment in the sky and are gone the next. People immerse themselves in these enjoyments, claiming that they are necessary for their livelihood and indispensable for their survival. And yet the life of humankind is no more than a flash of lightning


~ 圖文引用自



最終讓情緒煩惱消融 ~

普賢法語中英對照 Glimpse from the Dharma Ocean
由 Shauwen Tsai 發佈2019年6月10日


"In meditation, we learn to recognize the feelings that cause suffering, such as anger, pride or jealousy, to distance ourselves from them and eventually to dissolve them."

~ Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche, retold by Matthieu Ricard

~ 馬修李卡德憶念恩師甘珠爾仁波切的訪問摘譯,全篇閱讀:

~ 譯註:甘珠爾仁波切因曾對大眾口傳藏文大藏經《甘珠爾》三十次而得此尊稱。

~ 普賢法譯小組Hueymei翻譯 / Serena校對,有關甘珠爾仁波切的介紹和紀錄片拍攝,請見中文粉絲頁: (甘珠爾仁波切紀錄片:甘地路54號 )


~ Leaving aside a promising career in molecular biology, Matthieu Ricard chose instead to become a Buddhist monk and has never regretted it. French interpreter to the Dalai Lama, today he travels the world in an effort to bridge the gap between East and West. Although he is trying to distance himself from ego, he is still troubled by the predominance of this notion in the Western mindset.

* 以下問答,摘錄自安珈‧賈登為《新蘇黎世報》(Neue Zürcher Zeitung)所做的訪談 ~

Mr. Ricard, you were born in 1946 but you say that your real life only started on June 2, 1967. What happened on that day?

That's when I met my first teacher, the wise Kangyur Rinpoche. I had just arrived in Darjeeling, on my way to the Himalayas. I was living in a Jesuit mission when Kangyur Rinpoche’s son came to pick up the small monthly allowance given to him by a French doctor. I went along to meet Kangyur, who was living in a tiny wooden hut with his wife, two daughters, one of his sons and a calligrapher copying texts. Leaning against a window, the 70-year-old was beaming with kindness. I had no idea what was going to happen to me but I stayed there for three weeks, sleeping on the floor, engaged in his teaching from the moment we woke up.





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