Dear Friends,
Siddhartha’s Intent Ltd., Hong Kong is very pleased to announce that Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche will come to Hong Kong soon to give a public teaching on “Luck”. The public teaching will be held from Monday 16 April to Wednesday 18 April 2012 in the Tsimshatsui Community Hall (operated under the Tsimshatsui District Kai Fong Welfare Association, address : 136A Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong)
The 3 days’ teaching will be conducted in 2 sessions daily from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm and from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Admissions to the public teaching will be by tickets to be purchased from any location in the world at “Hong Kong Ticketing (HKT)” via HKT’s bilingual internet site, its call centre, retail network and venue box offices.
The public teaching will be delivered in English with Cantonese translation. Participants who require Putonghua translation are requested to bring along their own receiver radio.
Details on the ticketing arrangements, including the commencement date for ticketing (likely to be in the last week of March) will be announced via e-mail later after mid-March upon finalization of the detailed arrangements with HKT.
Siddhartha’s Intent Ltd., Hong Kong.
香港悉達多本願會有限公司十分高興宣佈宗薩蔣揚欽哲仁波且快將蒞臨香港為我們作公開開示, 講題為「幸運」. 這次公開開示將於2012年 4月16至18日 (星期一至星期三) 舉行, 地点為尖沙咀街坊福利會轄下的尖沙咀會堂 (地址 : 香港九龍彌敦道136A).
為期3天的開示將於每日分兩個時段進行, 即下午2時30分至5時30分及晚上7時30分至10時30分. 参加者須憑票入座, 門票將於「快達票」經其中英文網站, 電話售票專線及其轄下之各售票處公開發售.
開示為英語並現場以廣東話翻譯. 参加者如需普通話翻譯, 請自備收音機接聽.
有關門票發售詳情, 包括開始發售日期等 (開售日期大概為3月最後的一個星期) 將於一切細節和「快達票」定案後於3月中後以電郵公佈.
香港悉達多本願會有限公司 啟