

~ 這個暑假,格主花了六週的時間進修諮商輔導學分,重溫了學生時代上課分組和猛寫報告的忙碌生活,也因此有機會K了一些書籍,以下和大家分享其中一段~

因倡導生機飲食並寫作《新世紀飲食》而著名的 John Robbins,和音樂家 Ann Mortifee1991年出版的書 In Search of Balance: Discovering Harmony in a Changing World〈暫且翻譯為《尋找平衡:在多變的世界中發現和諧》〉中,有許多令人深思的字語,雖然他們都不是諮商師,但前者從拯救自然、後者由藝術創作中所發現的生命原則,卻是共通的。

例如在首章「Acceptance and Love」開宗明義即是:”At the center of Creation, there is love.” 創造,以愛為中心;而,”Our ability to accept what comes to us, even in the difficult or painful circumstances of our lives, enables us to learn about and experience the true power of love.” 在困境與痛苦中接納一切的能力,讓我們學習並體驗愛的真正力量

另外,在「Handling Others’ Anger」一章中,他們表示 “If we become anxious and defensive when someone is angry with us, might it be that the anger is not the real source of our discomfort? Is it possible that the anger has forced to the surface our own self- judgment and doubt?” 我們對別人的憤怒感到焦慮和防衛,或許那憤怒並非真正讓我們不安的原因,其實是因為它讓我們的自我評價和懷疑浮上檯面?

當談到「The Courage to Love Again」時,作者提及:”It takes great courage to remain open to giving and receiving love when the gift comes interwoven with sorrow. But the deeper truth is that our heart is more rich with life than it would have been if we had held it back.” 由於哀傷的交織,使我們必須鼓足勇氣才能開放地給予並接受愛,然而我們的心其實有著更豐富的面貌,並且 “And, as we live through and complete our sorrow, learning all we can from each experience as we go along, we will discover in ourselves the wisdom to discern when we are ready to love and trust once more.” 當我們走過哀傷,從一切經驗中盡力學習,我們將發現內在有了一種能辨別我們是否準備好重新再愛和信任的智慧


其他請參考 Silence of the Heart 心之靜

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