




西元第八世紀,藏王赤松‧德真 (Trisong Duetsen) 邀請蓮花生大世 (Guru Padmasambhava) 和許多偉大的印度上師來到西藏,帶入了佛陀的珍貴法教。


赤松‧德真有三個兒子。次子穆儒‧參巴 (Murub Tsenpo) 隨後轉世為伏藏師共十三次,最後一世即是偉大的伏藏師 (terton) 特千‧秋吉‧林巴 (Terchen Chogyur Linpa)


伏藏師乃是發掘伏藏的人,而這些藏在世界各處的法教,是蓮花生大世和佛母依喜‧措嘉 (Yeshe Tsogyal) 為了利益後代有情眾生所藏起的。


秋吉‧林巴在1829年生於西藏東部的南千 (Nangchen)。他和蔣揚‧欽哲‧汪波(Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo) 與蔣貢‧康楚 (Jamgon Kongtrul) 共同展現了許多偉大的佛法事業,使佛法在西藏因而更加廣傳。


正如蓮花生大世所預示的一般,秋吉‧林巴開啟了二十五處偉大的聖地,以及一百處次之的聖地。他的伏藏法教共有三十三部,另外還有十二部的著作。這些總稱為《秋寧德薩》(Chokling Tesrsar)




根據某次淨觀中親得蓮花生大世的教示,秋吉‧林巴創立了三所寺院:天秋‧久美林寺 (TenchokGyurmeling)、慈客寺 (Tsikey)、嘎美寺 (Karmey)


天秋‧久美林寺位於西藏東部一座稱為耶嘎‧南卡‧佐 (Yegal Namkha Dzod) 的山下。蓮花生大世和依喜‧措嘉曾在此修行七年。他們的幾處洞穴至今仍可看見。在這座山下的寺院,後來成為秋吉‧林巴的靈性駐錫處。




第二世秋林〈秋吉‧林巴的簡稱〉仁波切聶東‧竹沛‧多傑 (Ngedon Drubpey Dorje) 和前世一般,展現了許多利益眾生的佛法事業,直到他在四十六歲圓寂。


在一次淨觀中得到空行母教示之後,第三世秋林仁波切貝瑪‧久美‧嘉措 (Pema Gyurme Gyatso) 1959年來到印度。隨行的還有他的佛母和五個孩子:烏金‧多傑仁波切、蔣揚‧嘉晨、欽智‧依喜仁波切、迪克‧汪嫫、吉嘎‧康楚仁波切。他的一些弟子也跟著他流亡到印度。秋令仁波切後來走遍尼泊爾、錫金,和稱為努日 (Nubri) 的邊境地區,會見其他流亡中的偉大西藏法師,並對當地的信眾給予法教。



1966年,第三世秋林仁波切帶領著少許眷眾來到北印度的小村莊比爾 (Bir)。在外國資金的協助下,他購得超過兩百英畝的土地,並在此建立了西藏難民開墾區。三百個家庭因而被贈予土地,得以建築自己的住所。這處新的開墾區落成時,是由十四世達賴喇嘛為其開幕而正式使用。








第十六世大寶法王 (Karmapa) 和頂果‧欽哲仁波切 (Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche) 在幾次淨觀中得到引導之後,認證了一位生於不丹的小男孩為第三世秋林仁波切的轉世。


第四世秋林仁波切在1977年從不丹被帶到印度,當時他四歲,由第十六世大寶法王授名為瑞今‧久美‧多傑 (Rigzin Gyurme Dorjee)。頂果‧欽哲仁波切和第三世秋林仁波切的家人則對他視同己出。


















In the 8th century, the Tibetan Dharma king Trisong Duetsen invited Guru Padmasambhava and many great masters from India.  These great masters brought with them the precious teachings of the Buddha.


Trisong Duetsen had three sons.  The middle son, Murub Tsenpo was later reborn 13 times as a terton. The great terton Terchen Chogyur Linpa was the last of these incarnations.


Tertons are revealors of  treasures hidden by Guru Padmasambhava and his consort, Yeshe Tsogyal for the benefit of future sentient beings.


Chogyur Lingpa was born in 1829 in Nangchen, Eastern Tibet.


Together with Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgon Kongtrul, Chogyur Lingpa performed many great activities benefiting the Dharma in Tibet.


As prophesized by Guru Padmasambhava, Chogyur Lingpa opened 25 great sacred places and 100 lesser ones.  His terma teachings consist of 33 volumes and his own writings comprise 12 additional volumes.  These are the Chokling Tersar.


Chogyur Lingpa revealed his first terma at the age of 13.  Together with the Dharma treasures, Chogyur Lingpa also revealed many representatives of Enlightened body, speech and mind.


Following the advice of the Lotus born master in a vision, Chogyur Lingpa established  TenchokGyurmeling monastery, Tsikey monastery and Karmey monastery. 


Tenchokgyurmeling lies beneath the mountain Yegal Namkha dzod in Eastern Tibet.  Guru Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal stayed here for seven years.  Their caves can still be seen today.  The monastery beneath this mountain became the spiritual residence of Chogyur Lingpa.


Chogyur Lingpa passed away on the first day of the fifth month in the year 1870.


Like his predecessor, the IInd Chokling, NGEDON DRUBPEY DORJE, performed many activities benefiting the Dharma until his passing away at the age of 46.


Following the advice of a dakini in a vision, in 1959, the IIIrd Chokling, Pema Gyurme Gyatso, came to India.  His wife and his five children, orgyen topgyal rinpoche, jamyang gyaltsen, khyentse yeshe rinpoche, diki wangmo and dzigar kongtrul rinpoche accompanied him.  Few of his disciples were a part of the entourage that came into exile with him.  Chokling Rinpoche traveled through Nepal, Sikkim and the border places of Nubri, meeting other great Tibetan masters in exile and giving teachings to the locals. 


The IIIrd Chokling had recurrent visions of a man wearing leaves with long arms. This man told him that he was from India and had some land for him.


In 1966, the IIIrd Chokling brought his small entourage to Bir, a small village in Northern India.  With the help of foreign aid, he bought over 200 acres of land and set up a Tibetan settlement in Bir.  Three hundred families where given land to built their houses.  The opening of the new settlement was inaugurated by the 14th Dalai Lama. 


At this time, he also started building a second TenchokGyurmeling in exile.  His disciples who had followed him into India formed the first sangha members of the second monastery. 


Tenchokgyurmeling in exile started off in a tent with few monks and the oldest son of the IIIrd Chokling. 


In 1973, at the age of 47, the IIIrd Chokling Rinpoche passed away.  Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche was 21 years old.   Being the oldest child in the family, he was left with a huge responcibility of completing his father’s vision.


Guided by visions, the XVIth Karmapa and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche recognized a little boy born in Bhutan as the reincarnation of the IIIrd Chokling Rinpoche.


In 1977, the IVth Chokling Rinpoche was brought down to India from Bhutan. He was four years old and given the name Rigzin Gyurme Dorjee by the XVIth Karmapa.  Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and the family of the IIIrd Chokling took him under their wings.


Due to the vision of the IIIrd Chokling Rinpoche and to the hard work of Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche, Tenchokgyurmeling in India is now a place of study and practice for over 120 monks.


Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche in his best effort to serve the lineage of Chogyur Lingpa and of his father visited Tibet in 2004 to start renovation on the original Tenchokgyurmeling, which was built by the 1st Chogyur Lingpa.  It took him one whole year to finish most of the renovation.  Approximately, 300 people worked on the rebuilding of the monastery.    


Towards the end of orgyen topgyal rinpoche’s one-year stay; Tenchokgyurmeling held a ceremony, which was marked with great joy among many wondrous and auspicious signs.  A rainbow circled the monastery indicating the blessings of Guru Padmasambhava and that the lineage of Chogyur Lingpa will blaze and bring benefit to sentient beings.




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