In 1968 I was a young western nun in my mid-twenties working as a secretary for my lama, the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche, who had been the head of the 200 Drukpa Kagyu monasteries in Kham, Eastern Tibet.
Having left Tibet in 1959 with 25 of his monks, Khamtrul Rinpoche had established a community first in Kalimpong and later in the Kangra Valley not far from Dharamsala where His Holiness the Dalai Lama is situated.
At this time Rinpoche headed a small monastery and a community of lay people from his region.
I had first met with the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche on my 21st birthday and three weeks later received my first monastic ordination when my head was shaved and I donned robes.
Then I remained with Khamtrul Rinpoche and his community, working as his secretary and teaching English to the small monks.
The monastery in those days had about 80 monks and among them was a small group of yogis who are known as togden.
In Kham these togden, although fully ordained monks, lived in caves in the hills above the monastery of Khampagar and they wore long, matted dreadlocks wound up on their heads and white lower robes and a red and white stripped shawl.
His Holiness the XVI Karmapa assured me that even in Tibet these particular Khampagar togdens were revered and considered very special. Their lineage is associated with Rechungpa, one of the heart sons of Milarepa.
Rinpoche had told me that in Kham he had a nunnery of about 400 nuns. At this nunnery there was also a group of togdenma or yoginis who were also considered very advanced in tantric practices and realisations.
There is a special transmission called the “Rechung Nyen Gyu” [Ras.chung sNyan.brgyud] dealing with the inner yogas which contains a section especially for female practitioners.
有個特別的法脈稱作「惹瓊年舉」(Rechung Nyen Gyu),修持一種包含特別為女性修行者所設之法的內在瑜伽。
Actually I have met a few lamas who had visited this nunnery. Males were not allowed direct entrance therein but could sit in a gallery and look down on the assembly hall.
They reported that the togdenma sat in rows very straight backed and unmoving during the rituals, with their long dreadlocks hung over a rope stretched behind them.
As far as we know the togdenma lineage ceased to exist in Kham after the communist takeover since no nuns managed to escape into India.
One afternoon Khamtrul Rinpoche took a long white silk scarf (ashi khata) and placed it around my neck with the words, “I will always pray that you can re-establish the lineage of togdenmas which, as you know, has died out.”
Therefore I have always felt it a sacred commission to bring back this most precious female tradition before it is too late.
——Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo 傑尊瑪丹津.葩默
~ 普賢法譯小組 Joy 翻譯 / Serena 校對,祈願長老尼的傳承得以重建而廣遠流傳!
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