

Sacred Voices of Nyingma Masters (舊譯傳承上師之勝妙法音)



貝諾仁波切親聞記 [1]


PENOR RINPOCHE'S SEAT IN INDIA, NAMDROLING MONASTERY, is home to more than three thousand monks, nuns and lamas, most all of whom are provided for solely by Penor Rinpoche. It was not always so, and the story of Namdroling's origins that was told to me by one of Rinpoche's close students is so inspiring that it should be recounted here. After Rinpoche was forced to leave Tibet, he made his way to the south of India with only 300 rupees and a few monks to help him rebuild his monastery. Rinpoche himself began the construction, enduring immense hardship in the process. In the sweltering heat of South India, he carried stones, bricks and sand, and mixed cement until his hands and feet bled. Still he continued. The lack of water and roads made the work even more difficult. People would ask him why he needed a monastery as large as the one he had planned when there were so few monks. They urged him to build something smaller, but Rinpoche persisted. Today, attendance at Namdroling Monastery is so high that the grand assembly hall often fills to overflowing.



Given the importance of education in the Buddhist tradition, I was eager to visit this large and vital Nyingma center of learning and practice. But before I could make the journey, Rinpoche came to the Bay Area to teach. I met with him, not at his monastery, but in a quintessential California abode with a sea of pristine white carpeting, bright with flowers and soft sunlight. His presence was serious and majestic but also very soothing. I experienced a strange dichotomy-awed to be sitting before such an exalted being and yet oddly relaxed, as if he had instilled in me a sense of calm and confidence.



Penor Rinpoche spoke about the guru-disciple relationship. It might be tempting to think that our own questions about guru devotion are unique to our culture. But when Rinpoche taught, we could have been anywhere-in the high plains of Tibet a thousand years ago, the South Indian desert, or the California bungalow we were sitting in that day--and his words, so pointed and orderly, would have had the same powerful resonance. Penor Rinpoche's teachings give us a kind yet authoritative reminder: cultural biases do not in any way mitigate the sanctity and importance of the guru-disciple relationship.





Sacred Voices of Nyingma Masters (舊譯傳承上師之勝妙法音)




(攝義)文譯  [2]


GENERALLY SPEAKING, WHEN WE FOLLOW A SPIRITUAL PATH such as the path of Buddhism, it is essential to find a qualified teacher or master and rely upon that teacher's guidance. Anyone who attains enlightenment does so by relying upon teachers as part of the process. Students receive profound instructions from a master, put them into practice and thus gain the result. This doesn't come about automatically. This doesn't come about haphazardly. Nor is it something that people can decipher on their own. However, in relying upon a master, you shouldn't be naive, taking any teacher who comes along and accepting without question whatever is said. You must be discriminating: examine whether, at the very least, the teacher has compassion for the students.



Above and beyond that, you must verify the lineage. What is the origin of the teachings you are receiving? This is very important. The teacher must be someone who is passing on a valid tradition, someone who holds and transmits an authentic lineage. This lineage must have been maintained by great spiritual beings generation after generation without any interruption due to broken commitments, impaired samaya or some other disruptive factor. Such a lineage can be compared to a beautiful golden thread that has not been tarnished in any way and remains bright, immaculate and well-polished over succeeding generations. Reliance upon a compassionate teacher who holds this kind of lineage will truly benefit you as a practitioner.




There is a special relationship that develops between a spiritual master and a student. From the master's perspective, facilitating the student's spiritual development is the primary responsibility. The master must clearly discern the student's strengths and weaknesses to determine whether the student will be a suitable recipient of a specific teaching. The teacher must assess how stable the student's mind is and how sharp his intellect. But it is not necessarily a question of the student's intelligence; faith and trust are also considerations. How much does the student trust the teacher? The teacher has to gauge this in order to work effectively with the student.



From the student's perspective, what is most important is a sense of trust that expresses itself as faith and devotion. Ideally, you respond to your teacher as you would if the Buddha had walked into the room and you were relating directly to him. You may feel this faith as a sense of awe, a sense of yearning, a sense of confidence in the teacher's instructions and what he embodies. This is essential for the relationship to be a truly successful one, a truly effective one. The student's faith must become unshakable so that there is complete trust in the teacher's guidance.



You can listen carefully to the teacher's advice and integrate it into your own spiritual practice. Under certain circumstances, the teacher may say things that you find inappropriate or startling, or may act in ways that seem wrathful or completely out of context. Should this happen, remember what the primary nature of the relationship is. It is not for you as the student to become angled in value judgments about what the master is or is not doing. Rather, listen to what the teacher is saying to you on the level of your own practice, and make certain you are carrying it out. This is the most essential thing for you as a student to focus on.



There is a deep bond of love and affection between a teacher and student. The teacher relates to the student as a mother would to her only child. In Buddhism we aspire to feel such loving kindness toward all beings, whether we are teachers or students.



What if we feel that our devotion is inadequate? How do we increase our devotion?



That is really your own responsibility because no one can do it for you. You have to find ways to inspire yourself, whether we're talking about devotion and faith, bodhicitta, altruism or compassion. There are a few individuals for whom inspiration is quite natural. They are just born that way, so to speak. But most of us have to work at it. We have to identify the qualities we need, notice where they're lacking and seek ways to encourage them in ourselves.



When we want something very much, such as a lover, there is no lack of inspiration; it almost seems similar to devotion. When we yearn for ice cream, we have no difficulty listening carefully to directions and going one-pointedly to the nearest ice cream shop. How does this kind of surrendering to a desired object differ from devotion?



What you say is true. We must distinguish between our ordinary attachment to people, things or situations and the purer quality of devotion we feel toward the teacher. The ordinary way in which we are attached to something, however much it may seem to inspire us, is rooted in the afflictive emotion of desire; there is something we want to possess. In comparison, the devotion we feel for a master is based upon a sense of humility, a sense of respect for what we are receiving from the teacher, so there is quite a different tone to the situation.



Critical thinking is part of our training in the Western educational system. Trust is seldom emphasized. Also, our society has a strong belief in the need for personal freedom, and some view religion as restrictive.



There is plenty of personal freedom in Buddhism. Buddhism is not a set of rules someone laid down for us to follow and does not really operate on the principle of "Thou shalt not." Nor does it emphasize, "You can do this but you cannot do that,"" You mustn't think this or you mustn't say that." In a sense, we could think of Buddhism as being completely open. All the Buddha said was that if you act in a certain way, it will lead you to greater states of happiness and ultimately enlightenment, and if you act in another way, it will bring about increased suffering and lower states of rebirth. The choice is yours. Buddhism is based upon clearly delineating choices and understanding their consequences. People are free to decide as they wish.



That said, the only fruitful approach on the Buddhist path is to have confidence in the enlightened qualities of the Buddha and the efficacy of his teachings. To examine the teachings is fine. To contemplate them, turn them over in your mind, reflect upon their meaning and apply them to your experience-all that is fine. However, to be critical or cynical about the teachings or the teacher is counterproductive. Many people are engaged in examining the Buddhist teachings, but to do so properly requires a sense of respect for the teachings.



Furthermore, let's be clear on the vastness of our inquiry. We should understand that examining the incredible qualities of buddhahood will be quite challenging. Our ordinary minds don't even know what will happen to us tomorrow, let alone comprehend the unfathomable qualities of the Buddha.



Buddhahood is a state of omniscience, which includes the ability to be aware of the constitutions and situations of each and every being. Whatever a given being is thinking from moment to moment, whatever words that being is speaking from moment to moment, every aspect of that being's experience, activity or behavior is completely open to the wisdom and knowing quality of an enlightened mind. This omniscience is not subject to the personal biases and emotional reactions that characterize our ordinary knowing. When a buddha teaches, the power of his speech is such that all beings present hear the teachings directly in their own language and in a manner they can understand.



Once while traveling in India, the Buddha encountered three people. One was a sick man, one the physician taking care of him and the other a nurse. The Buddha spoke only one phrase, but each of the three heard something different. The patient heard, "Trust your physician and take the medicine he prescribes." The physician heard, "Have real concern for your patient and be very intent on curing him." And the nurse heard, "Take good care of your patient, help the doctor treat him and the patient will be cured." All three heard the words appropriate to their own situation.



Another story tells of a great siddha, an accomplished master, who set out with a large group of people on an arduous journey over a mountain pass. It was a hot day, and when they reached the pass, the weary travelers sat down to rest. One of them mentioned that some yogurt would be delightfully cooling and refreshing, but no one had any. The siddha took from his robes a skullcup that he used as an eating bowl. He held it up behind himself, and some how the bowl started filling up with sweet yogurt as if from the sky. This continued until everyone had been refreshed.



The point of the story is this: when you master the unity of emptiness and compassion in your own mind, it endows you with command of your environment and an ability to affect the experience of others in a way that benefits them very directly. When I speak about the Buddhadharma as an extraordinary path, deeply profound, exalted above all others, it is because I understand that the qualities the teachings refer to are there for anyone to attain. Those who put these teachings into practice will find benefit, not only in this life but also in future lives. They will ultimately awaken to the supremely blissful state of enlightenment. That is why it is so important that we comprehend the principles of the dharma and apply them appropriately in our own lives. Then we obtain the results of our practice. We gain the attainment we seek.



So my final words to you are: Please, when you embrace these teachings, embrace them whole heartedly. Practice the dharma very carefully and methodically. Practice with all of your heart.







~出自Sacred Voices of Nyingma Masters一書,尚無中譯本問市,書名暫採朱文光教授譯詞



[1]      校註:依照漢文語法,在符合編輯意旨的情況下,為了表示「親自見聞之紀錄」,或可選用民國以來較常使用的「親聞記」來連綴(例如「慈舟大師親聞記」、「阿彌陀經要解親聞記」等等)。

[2]      註:「文譯」參考舊譯傳承用詞,根據文化語境轉換原則,隨順漢文書寫習慣而潤色。


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