
Sacred Voices of Nyingma Masters舊譯傳承上師之勝妙法音

Meeting Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche值遇怙主敦炯仁波切 [1]


THIS JOURNEY BEGAN ALMOST BY ACCIDENT——a serendipitous meeting with an esteemed and holy lama changed the course of my life. In 1976 I met Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche in Berkeley, California. Reverence arose instantaneously. I remember being shocked that someone so sublime could exist in this world. It seemed as though his being was the fulcrum of everything sacred; I had met the Buddha.



The guiding principles of my life changed in that moment, leaving no choice other than to be near this great master, hear his teachings, and try to learn and practice according to his instructions. When Dudjom Rinpoche returned to Nepal, I followed with my two children. Many of our belongings were sold to finance the trip. To give up some antiques, the piano, and even my darkroom equipment for the purpose seemed quite rational at the time. We closed up our house and left for what was intended to be a six-month sojourn in Nepal.



The plane was nearly empty flying to this unfamiliar land, and both the children were seated at windows, anxious to see what awaited them. The formidable Himalayas came into view, surrounding the capital city in a stern embrace. Impossibly green terraces of rice were interspersed with the straw roofs of mud-plastered homes, and my eight-year-old daughter turned from the window briefly to ask if we would be living in a grass hut. The plane banked to the left, and we saw the great Boudhanath stupa, its massive white dome anchoring an expansive, inviting valley. The flight attendant's voice floated through the cabin, “Namaste (the God in me greets the God in you). Welcome to Nepal."



We walked down the steps of the plane and across the tarmac to the single room of the airport terminal to collect our ten bags (a duffel full of diapers, a small satchel containing favorite Barbie dolls, a trunk filled with Legos, and other suitcases packed with far too many clothes). We pushed and dragged our luggage into two taxis and ended up in a $3-per-night room at the Kathmandu Guest House. Within weeks we found a small house for rent near the stupa, and the children quickly acclimated themselves to their new surroundings. Unexpectedly, Kathmandu began to feel like home.



I visited Dudjom Rinpoche as often as possible, seeking his guidance. He was revered as one of the greatest Dzogchen masters and tertons of our modern age and a living representative of Guru Rinpoche himself. Other masters and countless devotees uttered his name with awe and deep respect. Dudjom Rinpoche was both a poet and scholar with encyclopedic knowledge; he wrote, revised and corrected many Buddhist texts, including the whole canon of the Nyingma school. Many lamas from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism traveled great distances to receive teachings from Dudjom Rinpoche. And out of his spontaneous, uninterrupted kindness, Rinpoche also saw unschooled itinerants like myself, who could only begin to intuit the majesty and spiritual authority of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche.



Six months passed very quickly in that uncommon environment. Shortly before we were scheduled to return to the United States, we heard that Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche was to give the Dudjom Tersar initiations in the following months, so we postponed our departure. For Nyingmapas, the initiations were a most rare and precious occurrence. Like thousands of tributaries making their way to the ocean, rinpoches, monks and nuns, yogins and laypersons converged on Kathmandu-cascading from flinty caves in Tibet, the hot plains of India, and the terraced lands of Sikkim, Bhutan and Ladakh. Enormous tents of bleached cotton were erected over the fallow rice paddies surrounding Dudjom Monastery, and each day thousands of people sat shoulder to shoulder listen-ing to His Holiness' gentle intonation. For many weeks, Dudjom Rinpoche recited sacred texts as he gave the entire body of initiations. At the conclusion of the ceremonies, he himself walked through the crowd, holding the ritual implements as he made his way along impromptu aisles formed by hastily shifting bodies. As evening slowly fell, a bright net of stars draped the sky above. It took until the early morning hours for Kyabje Rinpoche to touch each attendee on the head. The moment of his blessing was one of incomparable grace. By the time the initiations were completed, we had decided to make Nepal our permanent home.



To translate into words the wondrous experience of being in proximity to Dudjom Rinpoche is beyond my capacity. I prostrate to the source of all refuge, kindest lama, most exalted Lord of Wisdom.





Sacred Voices of Nyingma Masters舊譯傳承上師之勝妙法音

Teachings by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche怙主敦炯仁波切開示


文譯 [3]



怙主  敦炯仁波切

怙主  敦珠仁波切

Wisdom Advice from the Lord of Refuge



ALL IS PERFECT FROM THE BEGINNING, essence of diamond, free of obscuration. To realize this, practice meditating beyond word or concept. View all appearances as illusion. Let them arise freely, without obstruction.




The difference between the sutras and the tantras is like the difference between the sky and the earth. According to the Tantrayana, we should not consider people to be friends or enemies but, instead, consider them to be naturally divine and an expression of wisdom. We also should consider our own body to be the nature of wisdom. What we must realize is "perfection from the beginning."



Intrinsically, we all have buddha nature-dharmakaya essence-complete, fully endowed and accomplished. Just as when one has jaundice, and the world appears washed in yellow, in this same way our own perceptions are now deluded.



When we do not recognize appearance as the pure display of self-arising dharmakaya awareness, grasping comes about. Perception and form manifest, and we cling to them; we also cling to the self who is grasping. Dualistic clinging takes us from our true nature, and we are left wandering in relative reality, exposed in the external world. Like it or not, we are temporarily trapped in samsaric existence. We must accept this and work toward enlightenment within the relative world. Until we realize that self and other are by nature without true existence, we rely on the Buddha, dharma and sangha. These sublime Three Jewels have the exalted means to draw us out of samsara.



Through the Buddha's compassion and the presence of the lama, we have the good fortune to receive the dharma teachings in our lives today. Outwardly, the lama is a link between the Buddha and ourselves. On a more extraordinary level, the lama is the manifestation of the Buddha's enlightened activity. That is why on the Vajrayana path, the lama is considered even more important than the Buddha.



We show respect for the lama not because he wants to be elevated or seeks our deference. We do so because of the sacredness, the profundity of the teachings and of the Buddhadharma itself.



No matter how exquisite your intellectual qualities and understanding, without devotion and respect, no spiritual teaching can take effect. Without devotion, even the compassion of all the buddhas cannot make it so. Those who have devotion harvest the blessings. Guru Rinpoche himself promised, "For whoever has devotion, I am there."





~普賢法譯小組Lilio一校 / Serena二校(文譯部分僅更動三字),完成於2023.8.12,願一切賢善吉祥

~出自Sacred Voices of Nyingma Masters一書,尚無中譯本問市,書名暫採朱文光教授譯詞



[1]      譯註:舊譯傳承怙主敦炯仁波切(Dudjom Rinpoche1904-1987)於坊間多譯為「敦珠法王」或「敦珠甯波車」,按其名諱བདུད་འཇོམས་འཇིགས་བྲལ་ཡེ་ཤེས་རྡོ་རྗེ།Düjom Jikdrel Yéshé Dorjé)乃「摧魔離畏本智金剛」之意;藏語བདུད་འཇོམས(音「敦炯」;摧魔)和དོན་འགྲུབདོན་གྲུབདོན་བྱུང(音「敦珠」;義成,事成)等藏語表義不同;故此敬稱敦炯仁波切(摧魔寶),以示紹繼敦炯林巴(Dudjom Lingpa;藏文བདུད་འཇོམས་གླིང་པ་;漢譯「摧魔洲」,1835-1904)之意。「法王」一詞未見於藏人習用之敬稱,且帶有漢地羈縻封建政治色彩,故亦不取。

[2]      譯註:梵語NamasteNama(南無)表「皈敬」,as表「我」,te表「你」,字面意義是「我向您鞠躬」。印度、尼泊爾、泰國等喜馬拉雅山脈周邊地區的人,經常雙手合十放在胸前靠近心輪(AnahataHeart Chakra)的位置,點頭唸Namaste,以此表達問候之意。這個動作以非常具體的方式提醒修道者:我們可以在任何地方看見神,或在每位我們遇見的人之中看到神,我們無法分辨什麼是神聖的、什麼是庸俗的,所以祈禱在彼此之間看到神,向彼此的神致敬。

[3]      譯註:「文譯」參考舊譯傳承教典、儀軌及劉立千老居士等學者采用之名相,對照漢譯法界圓覺系經論與最上乘禪宗術語,盡可能依循雪域大圓滿傳規,隨順漢文語法而潤色。


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