


「尋找幸福,既非是以過於樂觀的態度來看待生活,亦非對世界的痛苦和不完美視而不見。幸福也非不惜一切代價而令其延續的亢奮狀態;它是淨化如瞋恨和貪執此類精神毒素的過程,這些煩惱確實會毒害心靈。 幸福還涉及學著以恰當的方式看待事物,並減少表象與現實之間的差距。為此,我們必須更清楚地了解心靈的運作方式,並且更準確地洞察事物的自性,因為,就最深層的意義來說,痛苦與誤解實相自性是息息相關的。





“The search for happiness is not about looking at life through rose-colored glasses or blinding oneself to the pain and imperfections of the world. Nor is happiness a state of exaltation to be perpetuated at all costs; it is the purging of mental toxins, such as hatred and obsession, that literally poison the mind. It is also about learning how to put things in perspective and reduce the gap between appearances and reality. To that end we must acquire a better knowledge of how the mind works and a more accurate insight into the nature of things, for in its deepest sense, suffering is intimately linked to a misapprehension of the nature of reality.”

― Matthieu Ricard, The Art of Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill





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