Santa Barbara, California
His Eminence Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche was born in the sacred Dudjom family in 1961 as the son of Ven. Dungtse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, the eldest son of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. Thinley Norbu Rinpoche is an emanation of Longchenpa. In his previous life also he was the eldest son of Dudjom Lingpa, known as Terton Drime Özer, whose chief consort was Sera Khandro Dewai Dorje. She was a great female treasure revealer of the early 20th century. She was sought by all Nyingma Lamas and respected. Rinpoche's late mother Jamyang Chödon was the daughter of a saint yogi, Lama Sonam Zangpo, who had many followers in Bhutan. I had many good opportunities to practice with the great yogi Lama Sonam Zangpo in Eastern Bhutan.
尊貴的宗薩蔣揚欽哲仁波切1961年出生在殊勝的敦珠家族,他是董瑟聽列諾布仁波切的兒子。聽列諾布仁波切為敦珠法王的長子,乃龍欽巴尊者的化身,過去生中亦曾為敦珠林巴的長子伏藏師智美沃色(Terton Drime Özer),而後者主要的佛母是色拉康卓德威多傑。色拉康卓為二十世紀早期一位偉大的女性伏藏師,寧瑪派的上師都曾求見,並恭敬以對。宗薩欽哲仁波切已經過世的母親蔣揚確諄(Jamyang Chödon),是不丹擁有眾多弟子的聖者瑜伽士喇嘛索南桑波之女。我曾多次善緣具足而能在不丹東部,與偉大的瑜伽士喇嘛索南桑波一起修持。
In 1965, by the request of Khandro Tsering Chödon, Khyentse Chagzod and students of the former Jamyang Khyentse, Sakya Trizin Dolma Phodrang recognized this Khyentse Rinpoche when he was just a baby. He was enthroned in December 1965 at Gangtog palace in the capital of Sikkim because the King of Sikkim was a sponsor at that time. His tutor was Khenpo Aped, one of the best khenpos of Dzongsar Institute. He received numerous teachings from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche who was a former student of previous Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö.
度母宮的薩迦崔津仁波切在1965年,應康卓慈玲確諄、欽哲洽佐(Khyentse Chagzod)和前世蔣揚欽哲一眾弟子之請,於宗薩欽哲仁波切仍在襁褓期間予以認證。由於當時鍚金國王為功德主,宗薩欽哲仁波切便於1965年12月在錫金首都甘托克宮殿陞座。他的親教師為堪布阿貝,乃宗薩佛學院最優秀的堪布之一。仁波切從上一世宗薩欽哲確哲羅卓的弟子頂果欽哲仁波切處,領受了眾多的教導。
Moreover, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is the grandson of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje. Khyentse Rinpoche received the Sera Khandro teaching from his grandfather when he was just a child. Thus he became the legitimate lineage holder of this teaching. Chadral Rinpoche announced that he was not going to give the empowerments of Sera Khandro, even if the lineage is going to die. His Daughter Saraswati told me about this, it makes me very sad. I read Sera Khandro's biographies several times, and met many of her students in Kongpo when I was a child in 1950. They came to see her reincarnations who were my cousin sister and younger brother. They were two tulkus who were recognized by Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö and Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche.
Dudjom Lingpa's treasures and Sera Khandro treasures are deeply connected. Sera Khandro was also a lineage holder of Dudjom Lingpa's teachings. There are two well- known traditions of throma practice, Dudjom Lingpa's throma and Sera Khandro's throma. Her melody is much longer and only nuns with a good voice can sing those melodies. They were taught by Sera Khandro's chief disciple, Lama Gyurga, in upper Powo. Her first terma she found was in Drak Yerpa. Suddenly she found a phurba near a cave and didn't take it. Her father was a Nyingthik practitioner. When she told her father about the phurba, he told her next time whatever you find, bring it home. I read Sera Khandro's biography, and I found those amazing stories.
After her great escape from Lhasa, following Drime Özer to Golok, she went through many difficulties and was rejected by many people. She had to become a servant of families in order to survive; with little wage she had to buy tsampa and butter because no one would feed her while she was receiving ngondro teachings from Drime Özer and his younger brother. She finished every ngondro practice within 4 months and she went back to work. She was wishing all the time to be close to Drime Özer. Finally there was another lama Gara Gyalsé who asked her to come to stay with him to be his second wife. For many years she was a servant, collecting wood, cooking, taking care of the yaks; she was in a very difficult situation. After having one daughter by Gara Gyalsé, she lost another child. She cried and complained to the Dakinis. She suffered so much.
Gara Gyalsé knew that Sera Khandro had to go to Drime Özer at some point. She stayed with Gara Gyalsé from age 20 to 28, seven or eight years. One day, Gara Gyalsé and Drime Özer met at a sponsor's house. At that time Gara Gyalsé told Drime Özer, "Sera Khandro belongs to you, you take her any time you wish." But then she didn't pursue that chance. Again it took some years.
Finally, one day, with other lamas involved mediating, she was finally sent to Drime Özer. But she didn't have much time to live with him. While they were together it was a wonderful time, many of her channels opened, many treasurers were revealed, but the good times didn't last long because of people's collective lack of merit. Those around Drime Özer were being mean, trying to control things, so he decided to pass away. Sera Khandro tried to request him to remain but he wouldn't. It was a big tragedy for her.
From that point forward for the rest of her life she had no further partner, but focused only on preserving the treasures of her own and of Drime Özer. She was trying to reach Central Tibet, when she passed away very young at the age of 49 somewhere in Riwoche.