

Is the Buddhist rebirth doctrine the same for spiritual teachers and ordinary beings? What about for you?

Buddhas are reborn effortlessly through a most powerful wisdom compassion. Bodhisattvas are reborn due to their great and powerful prayers of aspiration in previous lives. Ordinary beings are reborn simply as a result of their karma.

When great teachers are born, they unobstructedly manifest the wisdom compassion of Buddha’s mind of enlightenment through various appearances, in whatever way will most benefit the different faculties of sentient beings.

According to the tantric system, when a Lama or yogi has confidence in the realization of fundamental wisdom, this realization appears as the form of the deity. Through the power of his visualization or pride as the deity and with the wish to be reborn, he can either spontaneously enter the mother’s womb, or, through the visualization of the parents as wisdom deities, he can transfer his mind in the form of the deity’s seed syllable to the mother’s womb seen as the deity’s palace.

But ordinary beings are reborn due to the ripening of their karma. The root circumstance for rebirth is their attachment to samsara. The contributing circumstances for rebirth are clinging to the parents and the seeds produced through sexual union.

But I myself do not think that I was reborn through unobstructed wisdom compassion or due to my great and powerful prayers of aspiration. From the beginning, although they were inherent in me, I didn’t recognize my father, great pure self-phenomena, Kuntuzangpo, and my mother, unchangeable gentle great emptiness, Kuntuzangmo. So I couldn’t suck the desireless bliss milk of my mother’s breast. I couldn’t rest in her uncontrived, natural, smooth love lap, nor could I discern my father’s skillful-means love. Although these great parents constantly comforted me without expectation, I separated from them and met my bad-influence playmate, which is ego.

Exactly when my ego began, I don’t remember. Anyway, I didn’t recognize the unobstructed clarity of wisdom mind. Instead, I saw all phenomena as separate from myself and I grasped at them as objects. I linked with them as a selfexisting reality. When I saw good phenomena, I grasped at them and created more desire, and when I saw bad phenomena, I rejected them and created more aversion. These passions generated my karma. I, the subject, and my playmate, the object, united and sought out more friends to play with. I met the ordinary six sense consciousnesses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mind. We wandered together in the turbulence of cyclic suffering, aimlessly producing garbage for schizophrenic rats who dwell in the muck of samsara, roaming through cities for countless lives.
我不記得自己的我執,究竟是從何時開始的。總之,我沒有認出智慧心無礙的清明。反之,我將一切現象視為與我自身分離,並將它們執取為對境。我將它們當作自行存在的實相而與之建立聯繫。當我看到善好的現象時,便加以執取,並生起更多的欲望;當我看到壞惡的現象時,便加以拒斥,並生起更多的厭惡。這些激切的態度創造了自己的業。「我」這個主體和「我的玩伴」這個客體結合,並尋找更多可以嬉戲的玩伴。[於是]我遇到了見[眼識]、聞[耳識]、嗅 [鼻識]、嚐[舌識]、觸[身識]、意[意識]這些凡俗的六識。我們一起在輪迴苦痛的漩渦中流轉,在無數生世中於各大城市遊蕩,漫無目的地為棲身於輪迴汙穢中那些精神分裂的老鼠製造垃圾。

~出自”Gypsy Gossip and Other Advice” by Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche,尚無中譯本
~普賢法譯小組Hueymei翻譯 / Serena校對,祈願一切賢善吉祥!

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