聽列諾布仁波切:關於恐懼(FEAR )

Most people have fear. Where does it come from? How can we use it?

The origin of all the passions, including fear, is ignorance. From the beginning, we didn't recognize and couldn't remain in stainless confidence clear space. Instead, we became deluded toward appearance. Appearances are constantly changing from pleasant to unpleasant and unpleasant to pleasant, but still we continue to accept and reject them, hoping for a perfect unchanging reality.

The mind never rests and so it becomes small and ordinary even though we may not be aware of this. Like a feather in the wind, it is pushed from object to object back and forth, back and forth, and so it becomes weary. This lack of stability is expressed as fear. Then we are reborn with karma whether we believe in karma or not. If our karma is not so good, we may acquire parents whose natures are erratic and bodies weak, and who fluctuate between conflicting emotional states. Then children are born and grow in these unstable circumstances, acquiring these tendencies at the very beginning. Children are surrounded by fear expressing itself. We are all continually propelled by fear, often hidden in praiseworthy qualities. For example:

If we see a high person and become shy, this doesn't mean we are noble; it is fear.

If we see ugly people and feel repelled by them, this doesn't mean we are superior; it is fear.

When we talk like a blue streak and miss the target, this doesn't mean we are fluent speakers; it is nervousness and fear.

When we write fancy words and leave out the meaning, this doesn't mean we have lucid realization; it is fear.

When we eat with roundtable groups and use fashionable manners, this doesn't mean we are sophisticated; it is fear.

When we eat with funky people, slurpy and dribbling, this doesn't mean we are siddhas, but that we are afraid to use good manners; it is fear.

When we are gliding smoothly among people, this doesn't mean we are glamorous; it is fear.

If we stumble hurriedly from place to place, this doesn't mean we are on time; it is fear.

If we are smiling, this doesn't mean we are kind; it is fear.

If we are glaring boldly, this doesn't mean we are brave; it is fear. 

And so fear continues, and like a contagious disease it spreads from parent to child and flourishes. So, if we are not careful from the beginning, even though we look as though we are mature, we are really always having fear.

There are ways, however, to develop fearlessness in children. Both conception and infancy are important for nurturing fearlessness. It is especially important when parents make love and conceive a child that they remain relaxed and totally free in a place with light and beauty. Then, when the act is over, the mother shouldn't jump up or drink or eat harsh kinds of food. She should stay warm in the afterglow. She should not become involved in elated or depressed talk or concepts but stay even and relaxed like a mute person eating chocolates.

Then, with your babies, don't bounce or set them down abruptly; be gentle and smooth. Protect them from shocking sounds and, as they get older, advise them with warnings in a gentle, clear way. When their minds have matured, adapt to their mental capacity and allow them to learn through risk.

If the child is hurt in any way from accidental circumstances, this can be used in a good way; it is not necessarily bad. Sometimes, for a disobedient child, one accident is much better than one hundred words of advice. From this, the child can learn for his future. If circumstances become really bad for the child, as when he loses a friend, parent, or relative, comfort him with beautiful stories to inspire and uplift him. Lead him gently to the sky.

When he is too elated, push him down slowly through telling him stories about impermanence and illusoriness until he is guided back to earth. Thus, the mind becomes balanced, and with balanced mind, he cannot be lured from object to object. Then, if he can practice meditation with a good teacher, he can gain natural confidence and ultimately his mind can become like the vast sky. Then his mind won't depend on objects and yet it will pervade all objects without clinging. That is fearlessness.

~出自”Gypsy Gossip and Other Advice” by Kyabje Thinley Norbu Rinpoche,尚無中譯本

~普賢法譯小組Nestor恭譯完成於2024藏曆木龍年四月十八日巴楚仁波切紀念日 / Serena校對,祈願藉由以此為主之三世善德,迴向六道有情成為無畏無懼的菩薩,恆時利益眾生,究竟成佛。

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