




You don’t have to build anything up; you just pay attention to what is happening. The meditation technique is identification with the breathing, which is a very real experience. There is no suggestion of anything other than paying attention to your breathing or your walking. That simplifies things a lot. There is no security other than sitting and breathing.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,62頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.287, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Whatever we do in our life, we are affected by the mind. Our true body is being pressured by the speed of the mind. Consequently, although psychosomatic way, the whole situation has been brought together by that same driving force. It has been set up by that psychosomatic system. So fundamentally, the whole thing is psychosomatic. This is not regarded as a short-term sickness, but sickness in the long run, in terms of samsara.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,64頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.288-289, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





You are not tuning in to life in order to live further, but rather to experience the survival taking place this very moment. You are here, you are living; let it be that way. Such mindfulness has strength: your heart pulses, you breathe, everything is happening at this very moment, all at once. Let mindfulness work with all of that; let that be mindfulness. Let every beat of your heart and every breath be mindfulness. You don’t have to breathe in a special way—as it is, breathing is an expression of mindfulness.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,71-72頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.296-297, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





You are not tuning in to life in order to live further, but rather to experience the survival taking place this very moment. You are here, you are living; let it be that way. Such mindfulness has strength: your heart pulses, you breathe, everything is happening at this very moment, all at once. Let mindfulness work with all of that; let that be mindfulness. Let every beat of your heart and every breath be mindfulness. You don’t have to breathe in a special way—as it is, breathing is an expression of mindfulness.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,71-72頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.296-297, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





In meditation, you do not deliberately try to arouse your sense perceptions by stroking your body, extending your arm, grasping a stone, listening to a brook, or playing sensual music. You may be sitting in a quiet, uninspiring room. You may be sitting and meditating with no source of entertainment, none whatsoever—but when your mind is completely clear and simplified purely into the technique of breathing meditation, you begin to discover an entirely new world. That world is extraordinarily beautiful and colorful, bright and loud. You find that you are completely bombarded with all sorts of sense perceptions. Your sense conscious nesses become highly sharpened. Those experiences happen in the midst of nowhere!

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,76頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.300-301, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


邱陽創巴仁波切: 嚴肅認真會變成一種障礙



If your approach is lighter at the beginning, if your attention to the breathing and to the sense perceptions is equally light, that makes your practice complete and total. Otherwise, it will be lopsided. You might think you are sitting perfectly, but when you get up at the end of the meditation you find that you have pins and needles, which you never noticed before. If you are too serious, meditation becomes an imprisonment for you, rather than an expression of freedom. Too much seriousness becomes an obstacle.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,77.78頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.302, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





As you become one with the breathing, your mind is not completely, one-pointedly involved with the breathing alone. You begin to feel the effect of clarity. The breathing becomes a working base. It is as if you do not have any bodily defects or malfunctions, so you can walk easily, move your arms easily, wink easily, and breathe easily. You can do other things as well, and in the meantime you can think. The whole thing could coordinate together in that way. It is a question of having just a light touch on the breathing, which allows other areas to be explored. Meditation then becomes total experience.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,77頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 302, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Effort is a question of discipline, patience, and exertion. It seems that there is a conflict between the ethical aspect of life, or what one should be doing, and the instinctive aspect, or what one would like to do. Our instinct is not properly matched with our ethics. That conflict brings tiredness, struggle, and loss of heart in the practice. Mindfulness of effort is about the meeting point of instinct and ethics, and how they can be put together.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,80頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.304, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


邱陽創巴仁波切: 抗拒的遊戲



you don’t want to get into the practice of meditation. There is almost a childish mentality, like not wanting to go to school. That problem could be easily broken down, however, by being aware of the resistance. In doing so, you have already started. Your resistance has been used as a doorstep to walk over. Beyond that, there are no further problems, except for little practice hassles such as irritating thoughts and bodily discomfort.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,82頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.306, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche






When your mind begins to wander, you realize it and bring it back. As far as the sitting practice of meditation is concerned, this technique is an extremely effective and useful trick. The interesting point about the technique of bringing your mind back is that you do not have to prepare. You do not have to hold your mind and drag it back, as if you were trying to prevent a naughty child from doing something terrible. Trying by deliberate effort to bring your mind back to the body, to the consciousness, to the here and now, seems to go against the general rhythm of expanding and going out with the breath. It seems to be directly contradictory.

In right effort, you are not bringing your mind back in such a deliberate way. Instead, you are simply bringing your mind back from the dream world into reality. You are breathing and you are sitting that is what you are doing and you should be doing that completely, fully, and wholeheartedly.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,84-85頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.308, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The idea is not to try to maintain that sudden instant of mindfulness, to hold on to it or to cultivate it, but to get back to the meditation. Rather than nursing the reminder or entertaining the messenger, you should relate to what the messenger has to say. That sudden flash of effort, or instantaneous reminding trick, is universal to all practices of meditation, from hinayana practices up to the highest level of tantra. Therefore, effort is the most important point in the practice of meditation.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,86頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.309, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Meditation is a life’s work. You cease to sit and meditate in this life when the last breath runs out of your body on your deathbed. If meditation is your life’s work, you have to apply mindfulness of effort constantly, not taking any vacations. If you rely on ordinary effort, your meditation practice becomes so stupid and confused that you wonder why you are doing such a thing. You wonder why on earth you started this in the first place. All kinds of confusions begin to pop up when you use the wrong type of effort. It confuses you and makes you extraordinarily resentful, and your practice becomes aggravating and uninteresting.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,88-89頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.312, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Meditation is a discipline. You do not have to be subtle or delicate about it. You could just do it in a very peasant-like way. You sit and breathe. Gentility does not apply. That’s why it is so workable right at the beginning. Breathing is a very integral part of you. As long as you are working with the breathing, there will be a quality of alternation, rather than fixing your mind on one thing. It is quite different from visualizing a pink lotus with diamonds on it. Because neither the diamond nor the lotus breathes, there is no energy in that relationship.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,91-92頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.314, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Without mind, you cannot meditate or develop balance; without conflicts of mind, you cannot develop anything at all. So the conflicts that arise from the mind are regarded as part of the process. At the same time, however, those conflicts are being controlled, to the degree that you come back to the technique of mindfulness of the breath. Everything could be worked with in that way. The point is to maintain your discipline so that you are not constantly lost in daydreams, but at the same time you keep a quality of freshness and wakeful mindfulness.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,93頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 316, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





if we reduce ourselves into grains of sand and look at ourselves this very moment, we see that we are just little people concerned with this dot of existence called nowness. We operate one dot at a time, and mindfulness of mind approaches things from that angle. You are being there and approaching yourself on the very simple basis of this, which doesn’t have many dimensions or too much perspective. It is one simple thing. That is what is called austerity. If you work on that basis, it is possible that you will begin to see the truth of the matter—what mindfulness really means.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,94頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 317, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





People may think of meditation as getting into a state of trance, and being so completely high and so absorbed in such a state that you are uncertain whether you are coming or going, existing here or somewhere in outer space. It is actually knowing what is happening that makes the difference between that idea of meditation and this very realistic one. That is why the fourth foundation of mindfulness of mind plays an extremely important role. With mindfulness of mind, you keep track that you are sitting on the meditation cushion, working on the breathing and on the upheavals of the emotions and energies. All sorts of things happen: they come and go; they pass by; they have their own energies evolving. So

knowing what is happening is regarded as extremely good and necessary.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,94-95頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.318, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The meditator should be like a rock in the mountains: a rock is never tired of being a rock. It lives through the snows, the rains, and the four seasons. Unless you have that same kind of endurance, you cannot put into practice the techniques of mindfulness or develop ideal mindfulness. Such techniques are not trickery; they grow out of the practice itself. From forbearance, patience, and constant sitting come suggestions on how to improvise your sitting practice in the direction of mindfulness of body, mindfulness of life, and mindfulness of effort.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,97頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 319-320, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





At the beginning, pushing yourself to the practice takes effort. During the practice you occasionally check that you are still keeping up with it. You may try to make effort continuous and solid, like a pipe running through the ground, but it is not solid, it is pulsating. In the end, you decide to deliberately let go of that particular project. So effort in the Buddhist tradition of meditation is based on an enormous trust in impermanence. Nothing is continuous, but just let it be that way. Death and birth are taking place moment to moment. Let us work with that rather than work toward eternity.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,99頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 321-322, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The best way you can begin to practice this is to be aware of what you are doing. There’s no other way than that. From there, you begin to develop more space. Being aware of what you are doing does not have to become heavy-handed. You can just do it. Just be aware of what you are doing. Just be there and then disown: touch and go.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,98頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 321, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Seeing our pain as it is, is a tremendous help. Ordinarily, we are so wrapped up in it that we don’t even see it. We are swimming in oceans of ice water of anxiety, and we don’t even see that we are suffering. That is the most fundamental stupidity. Buddhists have realized that we are suffering, that anxiety is taking place. We have understood that anxiety does exist; and because of that, we also begin to realize the possibility of salvation or deliverance from that particular pain and anxiety.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,161頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.379-380, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The first noble truth, the truth of suffering, is the first real insight of the hinayana practitioner. It is quite delightful that such a practitioner has the guts, bravery, and clarity to see pain in such a precise and subtle way. We can actually divide pain into sections and dissect it. We can see it as it is, which is quite victorious.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,164頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.382, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Initially, there is the feeling that you can do anything you want. You are appreciating your youth, dexterity,glamour, and fitness, but then you begin to find that your usual tricks nolonger apply. You begin to decay, to crumble. You can’t see, you can’t hear,

you can’t walk, and you can’t appreciate the things you used to enjoy. Once upon a time there was that good feeling. You could enjoy things, and certain things used to feel great. But if you try to repeat them now, in old age, your tongue is numb, your eyes are dull, your hearing is weak—your sense perceptions do not work. The pain of old age refers to that general experience of decay.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,169.170頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.387"The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The first signs of death also tend to occur to you in sickness. When you are sick, you feel physically dejected by life, with all sorts of complaints, aches, and pains. When you get attacked by sickness, you begin to feel the loss of the beautiful wings and the nice feathers you used to have. Everything is disheveled. You can’t even smile or laugh at your own jokes. You are completely demoralized and under attack.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,171頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.388, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Death is the sense of not having any opportunity to continue further in your life or your endeavor the sense of total threat. You cannot even complain: there is no authority to complain to about death. When you die, you suffer because you cannot continue with what you want to do, or finish the unfinished work you feel you have to accomplish. There is the potential of fundamental desolation.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,171頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 389, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





In your ordinary, everyday life you experience situations similar to death all the time. Death is an exaggeration of the previous three types of suffering. You start with birth, and having been born, you begin to settle down. You tend to put up with old age as an understandable and ongoing process, and you can relate with sickness as a natural situation. But, finally, you find that the whole scheme is going to end. You realize that nothing lasts very long. You are going to be dropped very abruptly, and you’re going to be suddenly without breath. That is quite shocking!

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,172頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~P. 390, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





You are immune to your own suffering. Since you carry your burden of suffering with you all the time, you have grown accustomed to it. You have learned to live with it. On the whole, even though you carry this burden of fixation, which constantly perpetuates your mental events of disaster, you do not recognize it. You are immune to the disaster of the kleshas—the negative, unwholesome mental confusions of aggression, passion, and ignorance that make you stupid and keep you wandering around. You are immune to the general sense of suffering that takes place all the time.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,175頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.393, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Suffering, comes from absentmindedness; it comes from stupidity or ignorance. We are not fundamentally incapable of being mindful, but we are unable to develop exertion or striving on the path. Absentmindedness, not being aware, brings a sense of “lost and split.” That kind of basic confusion naturally brings pain. Because of that sense of dissatisfaction, of not finding your right place, you try to attack the world outside or to complain—but, actually, the complaint should be on yourself. The original problem began because you lost your awareness. You cannot lay that on someone else.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,180頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 397, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





In the beginning, it is mostly a big hassle; in the middle, it is sometimes a hassle and sometimes it is natural; then finally it becomes natural. With sitting practice as well: first it is a struggle; at some stage it is both a struggle and a relief; and finally it is very easy. It’s like putting on a new ring: for the first few days, it feels like it is in the way, but eventually it becomes a part of your hand. It is that kind of logic.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,213頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.429-430, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche




若要體驗念頭的通透易見 ,似乎要仰賴長期的持戒。在靜坐期間,力量極為強大的念頭會生起,我們會因為這個和那個、我的這個和我的那個、其他人的這個和那個而生氣,偶爾也會納悶靜坐之後要吃哪種食物、是否得洗個澡和購買洗髮精。你偶爾會生起各式各樣的念頭,包括微小的念頭和力量強大的念頭,但你都把這些念頭視為通透而非堅實。當大大小小的念頭都只是池塘裡的漣漪,不再具有隱含的意義和影響力時,止滅就發生了。

Experiencing the transparency of thoughts seems to depend on the long-range discipline of the student. During sitting practice, very powerful thoughts take place. We get angry with this and that—my this and my that, other people’s this’s and that’s. There are occasional punctuations of wondering what kind of food we are going to eat, whether we have to take a shower and buy some shampoo. All sorts of thoughts, both little thoughts and powerful thoughts, occasionally take place, but all of those thoughts are seen to be transparent rather than solid. Cessation occurs when there is no implication behind such thoughts—they are just ripples in the pond.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,215-216頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.433, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Even sensible worldly people would not regard such indulgence as good. Beyond that, you are becoming highly disciplined. You are realistic, proper, and industrious; you have self discipline, and you project dignity. Such ordinary decency is recognized as a token of cessation. There is virtue in such everyday logic as driving carefully and not bouncing your checks. Although those virtues may seem superficial, little things like that are still considered to be related with the possibility of gokpa. That is, the logic of ordinary household life is directed toward cessation: there is an element of sanity and of transcending samsara. Although that may seem like a vague possibility, such logic has juice in it, and truth.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,219頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.436, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


邱陽創巴仁波切: 面對痛苦,克服對歡樂的追尋



Realizing the Possibility of Emptiness Once there is suffering, a sense of desolation takes place as you begin to realize that both the things that exist outside you and the things that exist inside you are subject to impermanence and suffering. You realize the possibility of emptiness, a gap of nothingness—pure, plain emptiness. Things are empty-hearted and nonexistent.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,227頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.444, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The middle level of the path of accumulation is very ethically oriented, with an emphasis on behaving properly, in accordance with the practice. You exclude what is undesirable and include what is desirable in terms of the path, and you develop dompa, or binding. Identifying with the teachings is the factor that binds you together with the practice. That is the definition of shila, or morality: that which binds you to the practice and the teachings. But you cannot develop a very powerful binding force unless there is some kind of pride.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,300頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.445"The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





When we practice shamatha discipline, we begin to see that our mind is full of stuff. But when we examine our passion, our attachments, and our desires for all sorts of things, we see that they are basically a bad job—purely thought patterns, sand castles, paper tigers. We see that if we wallow in our own lethargy and stupidity, there is no shelter or comfort in that either. By not buying our own habitual thought-patterns, we begin to develop discipline and mindfulness.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,234頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.452, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





If we are served a dish that we like, and if we like the cook and the restaurant, we don’t mind eating that dish a second, third, or fourth time because we know that it is going to be good. There is delight in going back again and again to the same restaurant. Similarly, exertion does not mean taking pains; it means appreciation. Appreciation makes things more and more enjoyable; and when we enjoy something, we do it over and over, even though there is tremendous effort involved. On the path of unification, our shamatha practice is becoming enjoyable, so we do it again and again, eternally.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,236頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.454, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Exertion does not mean taking pains; it means appreciation. Appreciation makes things more and more enjoyable; and when we enjoy something, we do it over and over, even though there is tremendous effort involved. On the path of unification, our shamatha practice is becoming enjoyable, so we do it again and again, eternally.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,236頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.454, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The teaching exists in order for you to get better, in order for you to develop; that’s a known fact. You could say that you’re not interested in any such thing, thinking that’s the best thing to say, but if you’re not interested in anything like that, you’ve caught yourself already. You think you’re very smart, but you are fooling yourself. You have to become stupid, dumb, and simpleminded, in a sense, in order to commit yourself to the teachings and the path. And whether you like it or not, Buddhism is a doctrine of some kind. Even though it may be a transcendental doctrine, it is still a doctrine. So let us not try to be too sophisticated. There is no such thing as “cool dharma” or “hip truth.” If it’s the truth, it’s the truth.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,244.245頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.462, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Prajna scans all over the world with your seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. That is why doing your postmeditation practice is even more important than sitting meditation at this point. In postmeditation, you want to be on the dot all the time, each time. It is not that you are particularly nervous or hyperactive about it, but a general sense of wakefulness and openness is taking place always. As Buddhists, you should always be open and awake in whatever you do. You are doing your awareness practice in order to allow yourself to be inquisitive. With awareness, you do not get stuck, but you are on your way somewhere—you are on your way to full awakening.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,272頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.487-489, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





On the lesser path of accumulation, you are predominantly working with the four foundations of mindfulness and with shamatha-vipashyana practice. Meditation practice at this level is a way of developing greater mental and psychological sharpness, so that dharmas could be perceived properly. You are becoming aware of your psychological hangups and confusions, and discovering all kinds of insights into the teachings. The analogy for a person who has developed such psychological sophistication is that of a well-polished mirror: the more dirt you remove from the mirror, the greater its capacity to reflect objects. So as you polish your mirror mind, you are learning to see the subtlest of the subtlest of dharmas.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,273頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.489-490, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The practitioner’s view of the world should derive from the experience of meditation. Without the practice of meditation—both sitting practice and meditation in everyday life—one is not moving at all on the path. Purely learning on the intellectual level alone is like revving the engine but not shifting it into gear: your truck only begins to move when meditation is engaged in everyday life. The whole point of the path of accumulation is that the knowable, or dharmas, cannot be known unless there is a knower who is fully trained by means of the practice of meditation.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,281頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.496, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





You might be able to present yourself as dignified and seemingly together. Incredibly, you may actually try to presume that nothing is happening. Nevertheless, if you look into the details of what is going on in you, altogether it is somewhat terrible, deplorable, absurd—and so embarrassing. All those things go on in your mind constantly, whether you are wise or stupid, rich or poor—and when you begin to look at yourself, you feel that the whole thing is somewhat ridiculous. But you can’t get away from that kind of problem right at the beginning. There is a need to become somewhat religious and to develop a sense of sacredness. You need to feel that there is room for sacredness, for further evolution, in spite of your little ego.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,308309頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 521-522, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





The only way to deal with that terrible situation is by the practice of meditation. In meditation you are actually dealing with all that is going on in yourself. Through meditation, you begin to accentuate the notion of the nonexistence of your whole being, your whole ego, your whole mind. You take a pinch of your mind and look at it. Who’s looking at what? You are looking at yourself! In doing so, you find yourself perpetually disrupted by the fickleness of the whole thing, but you also find ground in which that fickleness can be workable. Rather than jumping away from the territoriality, the sense of survival, you sit down with yourself and look at yourself very thoroughly and fully. That is what is called mindfulness, shamatha, the development of peace.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,309頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.522, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





There is a world that does not exist in your mind, could not exist in your mind, which is revealed by exertion, by trying very hard. Continuous exertion gives you the first glimpse of the nontheistic journey. Realizing that you can’t make any profit, you still continue. At the beginning, the journey may give you some feedback, or seeming profit—but you don’t have any bag to put your profit into, and you have no bank account. That is the open ground of shamatha. There is no substance being deposited for your benefit, for your desire for eternity, and you begin to accept that. You realize that this is the only way.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,311頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.523, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche




        在從事禪修、試著跟隨呼吸或正念的時候,你可能會發現自己突然出了問題,無法跟隨呼吸或正念,這是因為你有一種「我」的感覺。障礙從「我執」中生起。那種「我的存在」之感,是散亂念頭生起的原因,也是感官感知的展現。你變得麻木,並且在你私密、想像和幻覺的戲碼裡玩耍。結果,你開始從麻木裡投射出事物。你的「此性」(thisness 的感受開始產生各種阻擋正念的反抗反應,例如視覺、聽覺和心智的扭曲。


When you are meditating, as you are trying to tune yourself in to the breath or to mindfulness, you may find that suddenly there’s a problem and you can’t do it. The reason you can’t do it is because there is this sense of “me-ness,” this “I-ness.” The obstacle comes from holding on to yourself. That sense of “my existence” is the cause of discursive thoughts and the displays of the sense perceptions. You become numb, playing around in your private, imaginary, hallucinatory show. As a result, you begin to project things out of your numbness. Your sense of “thisness” begins to produce all sorts of counterreactions that get in the way of mindfulness, such as visual distortions, auditory distortions, and intellectual distortions.

Numbness, or ignorance, is the root of samsara altogether. That numbness is not so easy to get rid of, but at the same time it is workable. Shamatha discipline is the first step in freeing yourself from such samsaric problems. Cutting through discursive thoughts and bringing your attention back to mindfulness cuts the numbness of ego.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,314頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 526, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





When you begin to project further into mindfulness, and beyond that into awareness, you can relate with the simplicity of your lifestyle: you eat when you eat, you sit when you sit, you walk when you walk. So your life becomes much simpler. Of course, there could be complications, but I don’t think they are worth mentioning. Simplicity is the point.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,317頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 529, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





We have a tendency to indulge in our stupidity, which makes us feel homey and comfortable. Indulging is easy to do, and we tend to get into that state too often. But at some point, sooner or later, we find that such indulgence is quite a hassle. We find that we have trapped ourselves, and nobody else can clear that up for us. But we do not need to indulge our-selves in the comfort of stupidity. We can afford to open the window and experience the world outside. That is the first step toward developing prajna.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,325頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P.535, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





You are not really practicing a religion or joining a cult. Rather, it is simply a matter of being in touch with your natural faculties, and doing that in a somewhat Buddhistic style. It is not even Buddhism, but just the way of the Buddha. In this context, the development of prajna involves the transformation of your state of mind into further cognitive comprehension of things as they are.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,325頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 535, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche







Learning propagates prajna. You should not feel that you are inadequate; you should perk yourself up. You should realize that you are a great vessel of dharma, that you are ready for the dharma, and that you will be able to understand it. Although it might be difficult for you at the beginning, soon you will understand it. Then you will experience the joyousness that comes from training your mind in the shamatha discipline of mindfulness and the vipashyana discipline of awareness. You will make a connection with the dharma as your family heirloom.

The dharma makes you feel so genuine and real. Whether you are Tahitian or American or Norwegian, the dharma is your family heirloom, which you will discover. You possess buddha nature, you have a connection with dharma and an interest in dharma, and you will reawaken your family heirloom, which is quite rightfully yours.

The teacher’s role is to make sure you understand that, and to make sure that you don’t feel belittled or begin to shrink from hearing so many terms and ideas. You could overcome that by thöpa, the learning process—by propagating intrinsic prajna.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,331頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 541, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





In overcoming the kleshas, you could fall into a very subtle attitude of rejecting negative or crazy states of mind. But you do not have to regard your negative mind-states with hatred. You could use that negativity as a means of wearing itself out. If you have a pair of shoes you dont like, instead of throwing them away, you could walk around in them. You could wear them out completely, use them up, exhaust them. Then you can put on new shoes. So the idea is not to reject evil and encourage goodness in the crude sense, but to make use of your neuroses as a way to climb to the castle of liberation. Instead of throwing away your old staircase, you can chop it into pieces and burn it in your fireplace to keep your house warm. If you are a farmer, instead of casting away your shit, you can make use of it as manure to grow excellent crops.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,334.335頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 544, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche





Prajna is both sharp and gentle. If I may use an ordinary analogy, when your knife is sharp, it is very easy to cut meat. It is gentle, but still dramatic. You don’t have to put much pressure on the meat, you just go over it lightly and the meat is separated. So the sharper, the gentler.

Shamatha-vipashyana discipline brings out tremendous power in you. It sharpens prajna and brings out your respect for learning. You should not be afraid of being sharp, but take pride in the sharpness. That is your practice manual, so to speak; it is the practitioner’s way of experiencing the hinayana path properly and fully.

~節錄自邱陽創巴仁波切《真好,我能放鬆了》,3頁。中譯:項慧齡 / 圖片來自網路

~ P. 545, "The Path of Individual Liberation: The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma, Volume One", Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche



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