• 寧瑪派法王敦珠仁波切的四前行完整教示
• 循序漸進的次第、簡潔有力的導引,提供讀者既明確又乾淨俐落的修行方針
• 收錄《深密空行心滴前行課誦•雙運道之車乘》之藏文根本誦
To consider Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s writing simply as “writing” already points to the limitations of the minds of defiled sentient beings. In fact, this text is testimony to what is known as “wisdom gushing out”!
If serious followers of the Buddhadharma in general and especially of the Vajrayana have the aspiration to follow in detail and depth, or even just to browse or bear witness to the expression of a true mahasiddha, they can do no better than to read the words of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje.
This text especially is a jewel ornament to the already most sublime and beautiful mother of all phenomena. In fact, I believe that just possessing this text alone creates the worthiest of all connections to the Dharma. So just to possess or keep this text with us is very, very precious.
I rejoice at the hard work and dedication of the translator, and pray that readers and all those connected to the readers of this text will reap the full harvest of the immeasurable treasury of Samantabhadra.