

聽列諾布仁波切:愛與信心(Love and Faith)-8:我們受皈依戒的時程,並非直到尋得新的上師為止,而是直到獲得證悟為止

~ Excerpts from “White Sail: Crossing the Waves of Ocean Mind to the Serene Continent of the Triple Gems” by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche (Shambhala, 1992)

~ 選譯自《白帆:橫渡心洋之浪以達三寶的祥靜之洲》

1. 如果我們相信心的相續性,那麼愛就會以相續的正能量將我們與所愛以不著痕跡的方式相連

2. 並無可作執取的實質色相,而只有無染垢的空性

3. 當我們能夠相信、修習並成就淨相的金剛乘三昧耶精要,則一切皆為本尊

4. 若能相信心的相續性,就能從悲觀的習性中解脫,而經由信心的樂觀,便可創造善業的因緣

5. 心只有在二元分別時才是迷妄的;純粹的覺性之心為空性,不住於任何地方

6. 如同無實體的天空可以由水所映照,智慧心也可以由仍有障蔽的心所映照

7. 無惑之心即是覺性之心,無惑之識即是智慧之心,而萬法無惑之基礎即為無染的空顯不二


Even though wisdom mind is inexpressible, inconceivable, and without characteristics, in order to create faith and understanding in new practitioners, it can be described as sole awareness free from dualistic mind. In order to reach characteristicless wisdom mind, we have to change our previous habits to new habits through faith, practice, and meditation. To expand awareness of nondualistic wisdom mind, practitioners depend on many methods that use the support of all of the accumulations of virtue, such as prayers, recitation of mantra, visualization, and meditation, following their chosen sadhanas according to their explanations. When meditation is influenced by wisdom mind, even the residual, impure phenomena of the practitioner that arise from the ordinary habit of previous lives can cause pure phenomena, just as gross fuel causes the light of a fire. With practice, the fire of meditation exhausts the fuel of residual, impure phenomena so that gross habits vanish and wisdom pervades.



The practitioner's experience of wisdom that comes from circumstances is extraordinary and pure in comparison to ordinary worldly phenomena because it does not cause any heavy, samsaric, solid suffering. Gradually, through practice, even subtle, tangible conceptions diminish as a sign of the approach of stainless wisdom mind. Because these subtle conceptions naturally disappear through self-recognition, there is no chance for them to cause the sediment of habit. For example, it is impossible to paint in the sky because there is no place for the paints to settle, just as conceptions cannot settle in the wisdom of clear space. It is not necessary to depend on wisdom that comes from circumstances when wisdom mind opens, completely free of circumstance, because this wisdom is not different from the enlightened mind of the Buddhas.



If we want to receive the blessings of enlightened awareness, we only have to increase our faith and devotion. The blessings of Dharma never decrease and are always present to connect with us. When we practice in order to recognize this, we must realize that when blessings are received, they must be contained and not scattered. Discussing practice with one's teacher can untie the mind. However, without having wisdom confidence that is not affected by circumstances, when inexperienced practitioners talk casually about practice to other ordinary people, it only creates material conceptions about what is wrong and right. This can cause obstacles for receiving the blessings of practice, disturbing our energy by creating conflict and contradiction. Since the purpose of practice is to develop wisdom energy, we must contain this energy with a clear, simple, single mind. It is very difficult to sustain radiant, inner light without being secret about one's practice. In this way, without dispersing it, we can preserve and deepen wisdom energy as it arises.



When heavy, thick obscurations and lack of faith prevent us from seeing pure Buddha appearance, the only method is to rely on one's own wisdom teacher who introduces Buddha nature through teachings, initiations, or by directly pointing it out. Even though there is a sun, without a magnifying glass, it is impossible for kindling to catch on fire. Likewise, even though there is immeasurable wisdom energy embodied in the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, without a teacher, it is impossible for one's own Buddha nature to open.



True love and faith come from wisdom teachers who show us the actual meaning of these words. One must especially have faith in one's own wisdom teachers who are showing the path of enlightenment. As Drigung Kyobpa Jigten Gonpo said:

If the sun of your devotion does not shine

To the lama's form, the snow mountain body of the four kayas,

The flowing water of blessings will not fall.

So therefore you must persist with earnest devotion.

真正的愛與信心,來自指引我們認識這些字句之真實意義的智慧上師們。我們尤其必須對指示證悟之道的個人智慧上師們具有信心。正如直貢覺巴吉天恭波(Drigung Kyobpa Jigten Gonpo )所說:






Teachers may manifest different qualities with different students, depending on the mind of each student. The kind of teaching that is appropriate for each person must be considered in order to keep from wasting their potential. Wisdom teachers are, as Rigdzin Jigmed Lingpa said, "according to relative truth, suitable with everyone's traditions, and according to absolute truth, the opposite of anyone's traditions." Buddha said that the best teacher is one who can teach according to individual capacities, adapting to the karmic phenomena of each being. There is no contradiction in teaching different students with different methods, since any method can be used if it benefits. The essence of all teachings is the same, which, according to the Bodhisattva's path, is vast love inspiring deep faith that releases beings from suffering and leads to enlightenment. Just as a cake is sweet from whatever direction it is eaten, the instructions of a wisdom teacher reflect whatever skillful means will release us to enlightenment so that each person's capacity is fully used, from whatever point of view we are taught.



According to the Buddhist tradition, Dharma teachers are not thought of in an ordinary way and must never be abandoned and forgotten once they have taught us. Buddhist teachers do not guide us only in this life. They guide us until we attain the same confidence as our teacher. By our belief that our teacher abides with all Buddhas, he guides us to be released from all ordinary, miserable phenomena to the clear, stainless ecstasy of enlightenment.



Even if we are not practicing in an elaborate way with many deities, all deities are included within our wisdom teacher, who has only positive qualities. Whenever negative habits arise, we must instantly think of these positive qualities and recognize our ordinary conception as habit. In this way, we can transform all habit into deity, whose essence is our teacher, whose essence is all Buddhas. The qualities of deity are inexpressible because they are inconceivable, but we can think that deity means flawless, complete, immeasurable, beneficial qualities that appear within tangible and intangible forms, sounds, and awareness. We have to practice with this realization, according to our own sadhana and tradition, thinking of our teacher-deity and being sustained within our teacher's phenomena inseparably.



Some people create confusion for themselves by giving up former teachers and beginning with new teachers. But according to Buddhist tradition, as long as we have taken refuge in the Three Jewels and in a teacher, we never abandon them. We do not take the vow of refuge until we find a new teacher, like renting a house until we find another one, but until we attain the state of enlightenment.


~待續,普賢法譯小組Peter, Sammie, Teresa, Wind, Zoe中譯;Sophia, Susane校對;Serena完稿於2020.3.19,若有指正敬請來信,願一切吉祥!



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