~ Excerpts from “White Sail: Crossing the Waves of Ocean Mind to the Serene Continent of the Triple Gems” by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche (Shambhala, 1992)
~ 選自《白帆:橫渡心洋之浪以達三寶的祥靜之洲》
1. 如果我們相信心的相續性,那麼愛就會以相續的正能量將我們與所愛以不著痕跡的方式相連 https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/447386106
2. 並無可作執取的實質色相,而只有無染垢的空性 https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/447895081
3. 當我們能夠相信、修習並成就淨相的金剛乘三昧耶精要,則一切皆為本尊 https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/555058501
4. 若能相信心的相續性,就能從悲觀的習性中解脫,而經由信心的樂觀,便可創造善業的因緣 https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/555089843
5. 心只有在二元分別時才是迷妄的;純粹的覺性之心為空性,不住於任何地方 https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/573394102
6. 如同無實體的天空可以由水所映照,智慧心也可以由仍有障蔽的心所映照 https://blog.xuite.net/yeshi_tsogyal/twblog/573426036
According to the inner Vajrayana teachings, the five skandhas of form, feeling, perception, intention, and consciousness are the five Buddha families of Tathagata body, lotus speech, vajra wisdom mind, Jewel quality, and all-accomplishing activity. Whoever holds Vajrayana samaya but does not realize this is breaking the eighth vow of the fourteen Vajrayana samayas. This vow is that one cannot insult the five skandhas since they are actually the manifestation of the five Buddha families.
If we ask how the five Buddha families exist within the five skandhas, the answer is that sentient beings have only built the five skandhas by not recognizing the five Buddha families. Whoever attains realization cannot find anything other than the five Buddha families. The ordinary five skandhas do not exist. This may seem impossible because of the misconception that the five skandhas can be separate from the five Buddha families, since they can diminish, be destroyed, die, and be born. Actually, from the beginningless beginning, the five skandhas are the inseparable, indivisible, deathless, birthless five Buddha families, if we can only believe that any other conception is the momentary phenomena of habit which comes from not recognizing the deities of the indestructible five Buddha families.
When deity is attained, the five Buddhas are the same as one's own awareness mind, which is beyond substance and destructibility. When all appearances are transformed into this sole essence of one's mind, which is already natural deity, there is nothing left of dualistic skandhas, so who separates? Who diminishes? Who dies? Who is born?
There are countless names for the different qualities of deity, but these qualities can be synthesized into the three categories of the origin of deity, the nature of deity, and the manifestation of deity. The origin of deity is immeasurable, stainless space. No one can affect it, and so it is the unconditionally triumphant wisdom hero. It is triumphant because the ordinary five skandhas and the demon of dualistic habit are defeated by the annihilating weapon of the realization of wisdom deity.
Whatever appears from the origin of this stainless, triumphant wisdom hero is reflection, so whatever wrathful or peaceful unobstructed form, sound, or awareness arises must be triumphant. This is the nature of deity, which is completely pure, natural appearance.
The manifestations of deity such as Buddha Sakyamuni, Padmasambhava, Tara, Vajrayogini, Saraswati, Mandarava, Yeshe Tshogyal, and countless sublime beings emanate blessings with supreme forms, sounds, and awareness within the phenomena of sentient beings in order to benefit them. Statues, holy objects, wisdom speech in the form of oral teachings or texts, holy sanctuaries, and pure visions are also manifestations of deity which appear so that sentient beings can purify obscurations and accumulate merit and wisdom.
Various emanations of deity can manifest within soothing elements to comfort beings, such as trees and shelters when they need protection, or food when they are hungry. When beings need a support on which to dwell, deity can manifest within the earth element as land. When beings need to drink, deity can manifest within the water element to quench their thirst. When beings are cold, deity can manifest within the fire element to keep them warm. When beings are fading from heat, deity can manifest as gentle wind within the air element to cool and rejuvenate them. When beings are in the tunnel of depression, deity can manifest as space to free them.
Even though natural deity is indestructible and has inexhaustible qualities, whoever does not believe and does not have faith in this from the habit of delusion will always destroy himself by going from samsara to samsara. But by believing in the inconceivable, inexhaustible, infallible qualities of wisdom deity, sacred Dharmakaya is recognized.
Until we no longer have any samsaric phenomena, we can rely on wisdom that comes from circumstances. This means that we depend on the circumstances of teachers, teachings, and our own mind to increase wisdom qualities until we recognize and abide with confidence in self-illuminating wisdom. With determined faith in the insurpassable Great Perfection, we can recognize that undeluded mind is awareness mind, undeluded consciousness is wisdom mind, and the undeluded basis of all phenomena is the stainless inseparability of space and appearance.