

Therefore by understanding karma, we really see the significance of creating the freedom or independence of the mind. If you have that, you are able to tolerate the outer difficulties and you are able to avoid the more of those causes for difficulties in the future.

~ Garchen Rinpoche "Living a Meaningful Life", public talk, Seattle, 2015
~ English transcription

~ 噶千仁波切2015.07.03於西雅圖對大眾的開示:讓生命具有意義(下)
~ 西雅圖中心 Judy & 普賢法譯小組 Hueymei, Yalin 英聽、中譯、校對,Serena完稿於2018.1.20,願一切吉祥!




The Buddha said that your own mind is a buddha. Since your mind is the actual buddha, apart from purifying your mind, there is nothing else to be done. Our task, throughout this and all our future lifetimes, is to purify our mind-streams. This means that we must eliminate our afflictive emotions and mental fabrications, because they are what defile our minds. Like water that has become dirty, our minds need to be purified of these defilements. Once you have removed all the defilements, the buddha within your mind will reveal itself.


~ 普賢法譯小組 Peter, Becca & Kim 翻譯校對/Serena完稿,願我們都能清淨自心染垢、顯露內在之佛!


And then in the future life time, after our death, the only thing that will protect us is our own love. So when we die, we must bring with us a mind of love.

~ Garchen Rinpoche "Living a Meaningful Life", public talk, Seattle, 2015
~ English transcription

~ 噶千仁波切2015.07.03於西雅圖對大眾的開示:讓生命具有意義(下)
~ 西雅圖中心 Judy & 普賢法譯小組 Hueymei, Yalin 英聽、中譯、校對,Serena完稿於2018.1.20,願一切吉祥!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash


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