

第九世 穹恭仁波切圖多確幾旺秋


當代108藏密大師簡介:Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk  穹恭仁波切確幾旺秋

His Eminence Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche, Thutop Choekyi Wangchuk (b. 1966) is one of the most important masters within the Drukpa Kagyü tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Five centuries ago, the first Choegon Rinpoche was accorded the highest honour by becoming the teacher of Pema Karpo, the fourth Gyalwang Drukpa. Choegon Rinpoche Choekyi Wangchuk is the ninth in a line of successive reincarnations who are renowned as accomplished teachers of Vajrapani and Mahakala. There are actually two reincarnations of the eighth Choegon Rinpoche; the other being Choegon Rinpoche Tenzin Chokyi Gyatso.

尊貴的竹巴.穹恭仁波切(Drukpa Choegon Rinpoche-圖多.確幾.旺秋(Thutop Choekyi Wangchuk)(誕生於一九九六年,是藏傳佛教竹巴舉傳承中最重要的上師之一。五世紀以前,第一世恭仁波切成為第四世嘉旺竹巴Gyalwang Drukpa)-貝瑪嘎波(Pema Karpo)的上師,而被授予最高的光榮穹恭.仁波切圖多.確幾.旺秋是相續轉世法脈的第九世,以身為金剛手菩薩和瑪哈嘎拉(大黑天)的成就上師而著名。第八世穹恭仁波切實際上有兩位轉世,另一位是穹恭仁波切丹增確吉加措(Choegon Rinpoche Tenzin Chokyi Gyatso,另譯穹恭殿津秋基嘉措


In 1966 the present Choegon Rinpoche, Thutop Choekyi Wangchuk, took birth in a yogic family in the remote Himalayan town of Kinnaur. At the age of six, he was recognised by His Holiness the Karmapa and His Eminence Khamtrul Rinpoche as the ninth Choegon Rinpoche. His main teachers were Khamtrul Rinpoche, who gave him the main Drukpa Kagyu Lineage, and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, who gave him teachings from the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He also received the complete Drukpa transmission from Adeu Rinpoche. After completing his training, Choegon Rinpoche served as the vajra master of Khampagar Monastery for eight years, and as the monastery's president for three years.

當今的穹恭仁波切圖多.確幾.旺秋於1966年出生在喜馬拉雅山區偏遠小鎮基諾爾Kinnaur的一個瑜珈士家庭。六歲時由法王噶瑪巴(十六世大寶法王)和尊貴的康祖仁波切Khamtrul Rinpoche,八世康祖法王)認證為第九世穹恭仁波切。仁波切主要的上師為康祖仁波切以及頂果欽哲仁波切Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche,其中康祖仁波切授予其竹巴噶舉傳承的主要教授頂果欽哲仁波切則授予藏傳佛教四大教派的教授。他也自阿帝仁波切領受完整的竹巴口傳。在修學圓滿後仁波切擔任八年的康巴嘎寺Khampagar Monastery金剛上師,以及三年的康巴嘎寺總持。


Rinpoche’s clarity, warmth and humour together with his fluency in English make him a much admired teacher.





中譯:Sammie 2013.02.16

初校:Dylan 2013.03.12




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