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Vara the Boon a film by Khyentse Norbu

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正見網站新浪微博http://www.weibo.com/ zhengjianwangzhan

正見網站首頁:http://almostbuddhist. com/main/index.asp

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Invitation to Sur Offering - Sunday 25 March 2012 , Sheung Shui, HK

火供邀請通告2012325下午五點香港新界上水古 洞

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Dear Friends,


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“Your effort and your dedication will bear fruit in a very, very big way. What I’m saying is that all of our efforts, all of us, individually, are responsible, and will be responsible, for many of the very essential activities that Khyentse Foundation is undertaking.”


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本照片為電影"真師之言" (Words of My Perfect Teacher) 劇照之一,當時仁波切正在觀看德國慕尼黑的2006年世界盃足球賽,當年的英德爭霸賽,意外由英國得勝。

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English Program Begins January 2012: New Video

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Yeshe Tsogyal was a great listener. Because she was a great listener, she was also one of the best practitioners, because whatever teachings she received, she would put them into practice. Thus she gained accomplishment. Then she began to share with others all the practices and accomplishments.

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Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche gave the keynote address on the first morning of the conference and participated in a panel about “Sangha for the Future” on the final day. He pointed out that the future of Buddhism hinges on its relationships with money and culture.

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生活月刊官方微博http://www.weibo.com/ lifemagazine

值此辭舊迎新,我們以宗薩蔣揚欽哲仁波切的開示作為2011年最 後一條微博:你的自性包含一切圓滿的智慧和慈悲,如果你相信, 你就會看到。

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~以當地有機農產和米麵烹煮的供養,並以香蕉葉分裝為每人一份 (照片引用Adarsha Photography)

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正見網站:http://www. almostbuddhist.com/main/index. asp


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