菩薩心燈,大悲為油,​大願為炷,大智為光 ~ 

 敏卓林2013結夏安​居 暨 壹百萬盞明燈燈供‧五​十萬生命放生大法會通​啟

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當代108藏密大師簡介:Tai Situ Rinpoche 大司徒仁波切


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當代108藏密大師簡介:Choegon Rinpoche 穹恭仁波切

There are currently two Choegon Rinpoche incarnations:

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Choegon Rinpoche Tenzin Chokyi Gyatso in Lerab Ling, August 2008

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Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche on the cover of National Geographic

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當代108藏密大師簡介:Garchen Rinpoche噶千仁波切

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宗薩欽哲仁波切不久前在加拿大,應香巴拉之邀給予的講授:智慧 之雨,已經可以提供下載,只需向欽哲基金會支付25美金, 詳見鏈結:http://www. khyentserecordings.org/namo/ Single_Year_Teachings.html


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尊貴的 努巴仁波切 於一九四二年出生前,就已被第三十四任直貢法王喜威羅卓所認證,是傳承總寺-直貢替寺六大轉世喇嘛之一,並獲賜法名昆秋丹增貢寶勇登加措。根據直貢噶舉的傳承歷史,  努巴仁波切的第一世為攝政貢保蔣稱,是佛教護法「四臂大黑天」的化身。

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