目前分類:本覺維基 ‧ 藏密詞彙選譯 (65)

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Five principal considerations那爛陀寺造論五支/著論五本

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Five practices of enlightenment without meditation無修成佛五法

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Five ever-present mental states五種遍行

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Five Organs of Action五業根

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Five objects of knowledge五法

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Five basic categories of knowable things五所知事

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Five wrong ways of remembering 五種不執持(五種不當受持[佛法的方式])


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佛陀與本尊 五守舍神與寂靜尊三座

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本覺維基詞彙中英藏梵翻譯對照:佛陀與本尊 BCDEF


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 Schools and Lineages學派與傳承Madhyamika中觀派

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本覺維基詞彙中英藏梵翻譯對照:佛陀與本尊  分類與A 


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表一:Rigpa Wiki「三界」分類中的詞彙中譯


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ye dharma transliterated in Tibetan using Sogyal Rinpoche's calligraphy

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Khenpo 堪布 (Tib. མཁན་པོ་Wyl. mkhan po) — the term has different meanings:


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