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Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen 昆努喇嘛滇津.蔣稱

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Tulku Pema Rigtsal 祖古貝瑪里沙仁波切

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甘珠爾仁波切紀錄片 ~ 9/14資料更新如下

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以下連結總表,方便大家中英對照並閱讀簡介,感謝本組志工 Wind & Yalin 的努力彙整,也感謝所有參與翻譯、編輯和校對的志工們,謹在2014藏曆神變日前夕,獻予所有大眾!

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Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche

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Trulshik Rinpoche Kunzang Pawo Dorje courtesy of Dhongthog Rinpoche

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Gyaltön Rinpoche

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Tenga Rinpoche at the Rigpa centre in London in 1982.

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